Truth for Life

“As for You, Titus…”

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Do as I say, not as I do.” It doesn’t carry a lot of weight, does it? Study along with us on Truth For Life as Alistair Begg explains why a pastor’s conduct must be a living embodiment of his preaching.


A Religious Problem (Part 2 of 2)

Malignant tumors are treated quickly and ruthlessly to prevent disease from spreading throughout the body. Find out why hypocrisy in the church must be dealt with similarly to prevent its spread. That’s our focus on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.


A Religious Problem (Part 1 of 2)

Remember the Pied Piper, who charmed rats with music until they followed him to their peril? Well, there are similar people within the church—subtle deceivers who draw people away from truth. Hear more on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.


Elders (Part 3 of 3)

Some of us expect church leaders to be perfect—an impossibility, since they’re only human. But Scripture does call them to be above reproach. Consider the attributes that should be present—or absent—in elders. That’s on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.


Elders (Part 2 of 3)

When leadership is headed in the wrong direction, the whole congregation often follows. So how can a church avoid going astray? Discover the foundational elements of effective church leaders when you listen to Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.


Measure for Measure (Part 3 of 3)

Forgiveness can sometimes seem beyond our ability—but it’s not only possible but actually essential to your soul’s life and health. An unforgiving spirit does more damage than you’d imagine! Hear more on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.


Measure for Measure (Part 3 of 3)

Forgiveness can sometimes seem beyond our ability—but it’s not only possible but actually essential to your soul’s life and health. An unforgiving spirit does more damage than you’d imagine! Hear more on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.


Elders (Part 1 of 3)

When walking at night or visiting unfamiliar territory, we’re often told, “There’s safety in numbers!” Find out why that also holds true for church leadership. Listen as we examine the priority and necessity of elders, on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.


Truth Tightly Packed (Part 3 of 3)

Genuine, life-transforming faith requires more than mere Bible knowledge. Find out what else is involved, and learn how it dramatically changes everything—even our perspective on death. Study along with us on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.


Truth Tightly Packed (Part 2 of 3)

The doctrine of election is the focus of much debate and false teaching. If God chose His people before eternity, then why bother evangelizing? On Truth For Life, Alistair Begg looks at the role of God’s sovereignty in election versus that of human responsibility.


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