Truth for Life

This Dark World’s Light

Many people used to assume that diseases were caused by personal sin. But Jesus had a very different perspective. Find out how a blind man’s story challenges some of our common ideas about suffering. That’s our subject on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.


Characteristics of Christian Love

Expressions of Christlike love involve a lot more than simply telling others how we feel. It’s more like an exercise routine: it takes hard work and discipline. Listen to Truth For Life as Alistair Begg explains why love requires action.


God’s Faithfulness in Affliction (Part 2 of 2)

No one is exempt from suffering. The truth is, life’s painful, and our minds struggle to make sense of it all. So what’s God’s purpose for suffering? Find out when you study along with us on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.


Unity in Diversity (Part 1 of 4)

Each of us comes from a unique background—and sometimes that causes conflict. But our differences shouldn’t create division within the church. Join us on Truth For Life as Alistair Begg explores the basis of unity within the body of Christ.


Unity in Diversity (Part 1 of 4)

Each of us comes from a unique background—and sometimes that causes conflict. But our differences shouldn’t create division within the church. Join us on Truth For Life as Alistair Begg explores the basis of unity within the body of Christ.


God’s Faithfulness in Affliction (Part 1 of 2)

Suffering can lead to bitterness and resentment. But Scripture teaches that there’s an alternative. Discover how God’s faithfulness can produce growth when we’re willing to be trained through trials. Hear more on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.


A Timely Prayer (Part 2 of 2)

Surprisingly, when the early church faced persecution, they didn’t seek protection or deliverance. Instead, they prayed for God’s help to proclaim the Gospel more boldly. Discover why their prayer should be our own, on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.


A Timely Prayer (Part 1 of 2)

It can be tempting to retreat from the world’s social and political troubles. But is this what we’re called to do? Hear the answer on Truth For Life as Alistair Begg studies a timely prayer that reveals the early church’s response to hard times.


What God Requires

The past year has caused many of us to wonder why there’s so little harmony. So how can we be part of a lasting solution? Hear the answer when you study along with us on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.


Theological Realism

Can experts really answer life’s most difficult questions? Not always! Find out what we learn about life’s mysteries when we approach Scripture humbly, expectantly, and consistently. That’s our focus on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.


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