When we Understand the Text

WWUTT 1299 The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Knowledge (Proverbs 1:1-7)

Reading Proverbs 1:1-7, and understanding the purpose of the Proverbs that we may gain wisdom and insight into all of God’s truth as revealed in His word. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1298 Who Are You O Man to Answer Back to God (Romans 9:19-20)

Reading Romans 9:19-20, where we understand that no man can ever accuse God with wrongdoing, but every person will have to give an account before God. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1297 He Has Mercy On Whomever He Wills (Romans 9:16-18)

Reading Romans 9:16-18, and venturing through many other Scriptures as well, coming to a biblical understanding of the doctrine of God’s sovereign election. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1296 I Will Have Mercy on Whom I Have Mercy (Romans 9:14-15)

Reading Romans 9:14-15 where the Apostle Paul says God is not unjust, for as He said to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1295 Q&A The Black Lives Matter Religion

Responding to an e-mail from a listener about how the founders of the Black Lives Mater movement are part of a west African pagan religion, featuring also Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker from the hit podcast “Just Thinking.” Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1294 Introduction to Proverbs (Proverbs 1:1)

Reading the first chapter of Proverbs and doing an overview of the book, understanding main themes, time and author, that we may gain a heart of wisdom in Christ. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1293 Jacob I Loved but Esau I Hated (Romans 9:13)

Reading Romans 9:13 and understanding what is meant when God said, “Jacob I loved but Esau I hated,” as a demonstration of the goodness and love of God. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1292 God's Purpose of Election (Romans 9:9-12)

Reading Romans 9:9-12 where we come to understand God’s purpose of election, because of Him who calls not by any work that we do. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1291 Not All Who Are Descended from Israel Belong to Israel (Romans 9:1-8)

Reading Romans 9:1-8, where the Apostle Paul expresses his lament for the Jews who have rejected to Christ, but rejoices in the promises of God fulfilled in Christ. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

Sunday Sermon: Chosen By God (Matthew 10-11)

Pastor Gabriel Hughes preaches through Matthew 10-11 where Jesus calls His first disciples, and how we who are in Christ are also called to follow Him. Visit fsbcjc.org for more info about our church.

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