When we Understand the Text

Sunday Sermon: Do Not Be Anxious (Matthew 6:25-34)

Pastor Gabriel Hughes preaches from Matthew 6:25-34, where Jesus instructs us not to be anxious about tomorrow but to put our trust in Him. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

Sunday Sermon: Do Not Be Anxious (Matthew 6:25-34)

Pastor Gabriel Hughes preaches from Matthew 6:25-34, where Jesus instructs us not to be anxious about tomorrow but to put our trust in Him. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

Saturday Scripture: Luke 17-19

Pastor Gabriel Hughes reads through Luke chapters 17-19, brought to you by the Literal Word Bible App. Download the app for Android or iPhone, or visit literalword.com.

WWUTT 1255 Q&A Reparations Math, Gandalf Ends Racism, Homeschooling Ideas, Miracles at Nazareth, Jeremiah Prophecies?

Responding to questions from listeners about some recent reparations decisions, Bethel Church implements Gandalf magic to end racism, selecting a good homeschool curriculum, Jesus could not do mighty works at Nazareth, and God’s instructions to Jeremiah. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1254 Unless the Lord Builds the House? (Psalms 126, 127, 128)

Reading Psalms 126-128 where the children of Israel praise the Lord for the blessings He has bestowed, for those who fear the Lord will be blessed. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1253 Apart from the Law Sin Lies Dead? (Romans 7:7-12)

Reading Romans 7:7-12 where the Apostle Paul clarifies the law is not sinful, we are, yet it’s in hearing the law that sin is aroused within us. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1252 Now You Are Released from the Law? (Romans 7:4-6)

Reading Romans 7:4-6 where we continue the illustration of being dead to the law, and belonging to another, to Jesus Christ who was raised for us. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1251 The Law is Binding As Long As You Live? (Romans 7:1-3)

Reading Romans 7:1-3 where the Apostle Paul uses and example from the law of marriage to illustrate how the law is binding on a person as long as they live. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

Sunday Sermon: Treasure In Heaven (Matthew 6:19-24)

Pastor Gabriel Hughes preaches from Matthew 6:19-24 where Jesus tells us to lay up treasure in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, for you cannot serve two masters. Visit fsbcjc.org for more info about our church.

WWUTT 1250 Q&A Defining Our Terms, Social Justice Lingo, Me Too Movement, What is Unbiblical?

Responding to questions from listeners about Black Lives Matter, when it’s time to leave your church, defining our terms, the Me Too movement, understanding social justice rhetoric, and what parts are unbiblical. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

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