When we Understand the Text

Sunday Sermon: Do Not Pray Like a Pagan (Matthew 6:7-8)

Pastor Gabriel Hughes preaches from Matthew 6:7-8 where Jesus continues to teach about prayer, and says not to pray like the pagans do who think they will be heard for their many words. Visit fsbcjc.org for more info about our church!

Saturday Scripture: Luke 1-3

Pastor Gabriel Hughes reads through Luke chapters 1-3, brought to you by the Literal Word Bible App. Download the app for Android or iPhone, or visit literalword.com.

WWUTT 1220 Q&A Rebuking Jon Steingard, Unconditional Love, If God is For Us?

Responding to a letter written by Hawk Nelson supporting Jon Steingard, where does the term “Unconditional Love” come from, does the Bible talk about it, and is God for everyone? Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1219 O How I Love Your Law? (Psalm 119:97-112)

Reading Psalm 119 where the Scriptures express joy for the law of God, and how it shows us the way the Lord wants us to go. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1218 The Promise for Us by Faith? (Romans 4:19-25)

Reading Romans 4:19-25 where Paul lays out that the promise for Abraham which He was given by faith is also for us who believe. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1217 That is Why it Depends on Faith? (Romans 4:16-18)

Reading Romans 4:16-18 as Paul continues to expound on his argument of justification by faith, using Abraham as our example. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1216 The Promise by Faith? (Romans 4:13-15)

Reading Romans 4:13-15 where the Apostle Paul makes the argument that the promise comes only through faith, not by the law, or there would be no promise. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

Sunday Sermon: How Not to Pray (Matthew 6:5-6)

Pastor Gabriel Hughes preaches from Matthew 6:5-6 where Jesus teaches His disciples how NOT to pray, beginning a weeks-long series on the Lord’s Prayer. Visit fsbcjc.org for more info about our church!

Saturday Scripture: Mark 15-16

Pastor Gabriel Hughes reads through Mark chapters 15-16, brought to you by the Literal Word Bible App. Download the app for Android or iPhone, or visit literalword.com.

WWUTT 1215 Q&A Who is Hawk Nelson, Another Deconversion Story, How Do We Have Faith?

Responding to comments from Jonathan Steingard, lead singer of the Christian rock band Hawk Nelson, who announced he doesn’t believe in God, how do we have faith, how do we guard our hearts. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

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