When we Understand the Text

WWUTT 932 Betraying the Son of God?

Reading John 13:21-30 where Satan enters in Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus, and you must be careful lest you also fall from the truth. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 931 Wash One Another's Feet?

Reading John 13:12-20 where after washing His disciples’ feet, Jesus says they must also wash one another’s feet. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

Sunday Sermon: The Purpose of the Law (Galatians 3:20-29)

Pastor Gabriel Hughes preaches from Galatians 3:21-29 on the purpose of the Law and why we still need it though the Law does not save us. Visit fsbcjc.org for more info about our church.

WWUTT 930 Q&A Response to the Game of Thrones Video?

Responding to comments from viewers regarding the “Game of Thrones” video, in which Christians were warned about the kind of entertainment they subject their minds to. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 929 Psalms of Imprecation and Lamentation?

Reading Psalms 5 and 6 and understanding how we are to consider the imprecatory psalms and how they are like psalms of lamentation. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 928 Jesus Washes His Disciples' Feet?

Reading John 13:4-11 where Jesus washes the feet of His disciples, and explains to them they are clean except for their feet. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 927 Jesus Serves His Disciples?

Reading John 13:1-3 where Jesus sits down with His disciples for the Last Supper, but first He washes His disciples feet. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 926 Jesus Came to Save not Judge the World?

Reading John 12:44-50 where Jesus gives one final sermon before His crucifixion, that He came to save the world and not judge. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

Sunday Sermon: The Permanence of the Promise (Galatians 3:15-19)

Pastor Gabriel Hughes preaches on Galatians 3:15-19 where we are reminded we are saved by grace through faith, and this has always been the case even before the Law was given. Visit fsbcjc.org for more info about our ministry.

WWUTT Q&A Church and Israel, Power of Words, and Long Haired Men?

Responding to questions from listeners about the distinction between the church and Israel, the power of our words, and if men can have long hair. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

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