When we Understand the Text

Sunday Sermon: Flee From Idolatry (1 Corinthians 10:1-13)

Pastor Gabriel Hughes teaches his Sunday school class from 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 on fleeing from idolatry; not even putting yourself in the position to be tempted. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1875 Q&A The Chosen is Plausible, Spit You Out of My Mouth, Tomboys Revisited

Responding to questions from listeners about “The Chosen” again and its “plausible” message, what Jesus meant in Revelation 3:16 about lukewarmness, and coming back to the tomboys questions from last week. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1874 Honor Your Father and Your Mother (Part 2)

Returning to the sermon from Pastor Gabriel Hughes, preaching from Ephesians 6:1-4 in this second part of his message on honoring your father and your mother. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1873 Honor Your Father and Your Mother (Part 1)

Grabbing another sermon from the archives, Pastor Gabriel Hughes preaches from Ephesians 6:1-4 in this first part of his sermon on honoring your father and your mother. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1872 Be Imitators of God (Part 2)

Coming back to Ephesians 5:1-6 and playing part 2 of a sermon Pastor Gabe preached on being imitators of God in the midst of our crooked generation. Visit wwutt.com for all of our videos!

WWUTT 1871 Be Imitators of God (Part 1)

Giving his voice a rest this week, Pastor Gabe plays a sermon that he preached at the end of 2022 from Ephesians 5:1-6 about being imitators of God. This is part 1. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

Sunday Sermon: God Turned Them Over (Romans 1:24-32)

Pastor Gabriel Hughes preaches from Romans 1:24-32 about the depravity of a culture who hates God and worships the created things rather than the Creator. Visit wwutt.com for more about our ministry!

WWUTT 1870 Q&A The Legacy Standard, Tomboys, and The Chosen Rosaries

Responding to questions from listeners about switching to the Legacy Standard Bible, whether girls can be tomboys, and the different products being pushed by makers of “The Chosen.” Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1869 To Us a Child is Born (Isaiah 8:19-9:7)

Reading Isaiah 8:19-9:7 and coming to a very famous verse about the promise of a Messiah, whose kingdom will be a kingdom of everlasting peace for all His subjects. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

WWUTT 1868 By Faith He Left Egypt (Hebrews 11:27-29)

Reading Hebrews 11:27-29 about how Moses left Egypt, kept the Passover, and passed through the Red Sea, an example to us who put our faith in Jesus Christ. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!

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