WWUTT 1568 Hair for a Head Covering (1 Corinthians 11:7-16)
Reading 1 Corinthians 11:7-16 and finishing up the section on head coverings, understanding the true meaning of this passage. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!
Reading 1 Corinthians 11:7-16 and finishing up the section on head coverings, understanding the true meaning of this passage. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!
Reading 1 Corinthians 11:4-6 where Paul makes distinctions between the roles of men and women and the authority they ultimately submit to. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!
Reading 1 Corinthians 11:1-3 which opens a controversial section about head coverings for women in corporate worship in church. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!
Responding to questions from listeners about Paul’s thorn in the flesh, other liberty of conscience examples from 1 Corinthians 10, is gambling a sin, and is Christmas worship accepted by God? Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!
Reading Proverbs 20:21-21:12 with an outpouring of wisdom about how God is in every place knowing fully the thoughts of every man. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!
Reading 1 Corinthians 10:29-33 where the Apostle Paul talks about giving up his personal liberty for the sake of others, so they may hear the gospel and believe. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!
Reading 1 Corinthians 10:25-28 where the Apostle Paul says not to ask if meat has been offered to idols so that they will not have a guilty conscience. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!
Reading 1 Corinthians 10:23-24 where the Apostle Paul once again states back to the Corinthians, “All things are lawful, but not all things build up.” Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!
Responding to questions from listeners about the Legacy Standard Bible with input from special guest Mike Riccardi, when to make a switch in translations, and talking about women teaching mixed groups in church. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!
Reading Proverbs 20:14-26 with wisdom about desiring the things of God and not the ways of this world, nor do we sell the gospel cheap. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!