Whitehorse Inn

Making Disciples: The Mission & Its Methods 2

WHI Classic • On this special edition of the White Horse Inn recorded before a live audience at the Desiring God conference in Minneapolis, the hosts continue their discussion of the marks and mission of the Church based on the words of the Great Commission and also take questions from the audience (originally aired 11-13-11). __________ Get our new collection, The Spirit of the Age: Challenging the Alternative Gospels of Our Time. Just go to whitehorseinn.org/spiritoftheage. ___________ Become a partner and you will receive all of the White Horse Inn extended episodes, access to our extensive archive as well as a subscription to our magazine, Modern Reformation. Head over to whitehorseinn.org/podcastpartner.

The Sacrifice of Isaac

Why did God call Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac? Why would he ask a loving parent to even consider such a thing? Is this story a kind of object lesson meant to show us how much we should be willing to give up for God, or is something else being revealed in this unsettling account? What if the focus of the narrative actually centers on that which God is promising to sacrifice for us in the fullness of time? Shane Rosenthal discusses the significance of this scene from Genesis 22 with Matt Foreman and Doug Van Dorn, co-authors of The Angel of the Lord: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Study. __________ Join Michael Horton and White Horse Inc. President, Mark Green, for a virtual town hall on The Right Message for a Changing World. To register just head over to whitehorseinn.org/therightmessage. __________ Get our new collection, The Spirit of the Age: Challenging the Alternative Gospels of Our Time. Just go to whitehorseinn.org/spiritoftheage.

Making Disciples: The Mission & Its Methods 1

WHI Classic • Many churches in our day put a lot of emphasis on “being the church” or living missionally. Other churches focus on the worship experience, spiritual formation, or the pursuit of various social and political agendas. What is the mission of the Church? How are we to make disciples of Jesus Christ? Turning to the Great Commission itself and various passages that unpack it, this special live edition of the White Horse Inn, recorded at the Desiring God conference in Minneapolis, focuses on disciple-making through the marks of the Church that Christ himself ordained (originally aired 11-06-11). __________ Get our new collection, The Spirit of the Age: Challenging the Alternative Gospels of Our Time. Just go to whitehorseinn.org/spiritoftheage. __________ Join Michael Horton and White Horse Inc. President, Mark Green, for a virtual town hall on The Right Message for a Changing World. To register just head over to whitehorseinn.org/therightmessage.

Grace & Works Contrasted

In his Genesis commentary, Walter Brueggemann notes that in chapters 16 to 18, Abraham and Sarah “are not offered as models of faith but as models of disbelief.” In this part of the narrative, he says, “the call is not embraced, but is rejected as non-sensical.” This helps to explain why the couple sought to fulfill God’s promise with Hagar’s assistance. But as Paul explains in Galatians chapter 4, this entire narrative is a tale of two covenants: one of grace, and another of works. Shane Rosenthal talks with Mike Brown about these issues and more as we continue our series on the Gospel in Genesis. __________ Get our new collection, The Spirit of the Age: Challenging the Alternative Gospels of Our Time. Just go to whitehorseinn.org/spiritoftheage __________ Join Michael Horton and White Horse Inc. President, Mark Green, for a virtual town hall on The Right Message for a Changing World. To register just head over to whitehorseinn.org/therightmessage.

The New Covenant

WHI Classic • Over five hundred years before the time of Christ, Jeremiah prophesied that the days would come when God would “make a new covenant with the house of Israel” (Jer 31:31). So how is this new covenant fulfilled in Jesus’ life and sacrificial death? How is it different from the old covenant received by Moses on Mount Sinai? Is it true that before Christ the Old Testament saints were really saved by works? On this edition of the program the hosts will discuss these questions as they walk through chapters 8 through 10 of the book of Hebrews. The White Horse Inn: know what you believe and why you believe it (originally aired 09-25-11). __________ Join Michael Horton and White Horse Inc. President, Mark Green, for a virtual town hall on The Right Message for a Changing World. To register just head over to whitehorseinn.org/therightmessage. __________ Get our new collection, The Spirit of the Age: Challenging the Alternative Gospels of Our Time. Just go to whitehorseinn.org/spiritoftheage.

Abraham, Sarah, & Hagar

The story of Abraham is a record of both faith and doubt. While we’re told in Genesis 15 that “Abraham believed the Lord and it was counted to him as righteousness,” in the very next chapter we find him agreeing with his wife Sarah to attempt to bring about the fulfillment of God’s promises by impregnating her maidservant Hagar. Later in the story, Abraham actually falls on his face and laughs at God as he reiterates the promise that his wife Sarah, even in her advanced age, would conceive and bear a son. What is the point of this narrative, and how does it help us to better understand both the complexity of sin and the grandeur of God’s grace? Shane Rosenthal discusses this with Mike Brown, co-author of Sacred Bond: Covenant Theology Explored. __________ Get our new collection, The Spirit of the Age: Challenging the Alternative Gospels of Our Time. In this collection, we explore some of the religious beliefs of our contemporary culture, which are really just counterfeit gospels. And it’s available to you for a gift of $50 or more. This collection features 18 extended-length White Horse Inn episodes and 5 articles from Modern Reformation magazine. AND we’ve also included a special bonus lecture by Michael Horton entitled, “Discipleship in a Selfie Age.” Just go to whitehorseinn.org/spiritoftheage. __________ For WHI listeners, we have a special Modern Reformation magazine subscription rate. For $25 you will receive a full 1-year subscription. If you choose to get a 2-year subscription, it is only $20 per year. And if you opt for our 3-year subscription, it is still only $20 per year, but you will also receive our updated collection of Modern Reformation Essays called Justified which is a 236-page softcover book that contains Lutheran, Reformed, and Baptist theologians, historians, and biblical scholars, who are able to unpack important issues for us non-specialists. This 3rd edition includes a new essay from Michael Horton on the historic Protestant understanding of justification. Just head over to whitehorseinn.org/mrspecial

The Gospel of God

WHI Classic • If you ask contemporary Christians what they think the gospel is, you’re likely to get a number of responses that focus on an individual’s life and testimony. But is the gospel really about what God does for us today? Is the good news that we are called to proclaim in the Great Commission chiefly about our changed lives, or about Christ’s life, death, and resurrection? On this program, the hosts tackle this issue as they discuss the implications of Paul’s comments on the “Gospel of God” in 1st Thessalonians chapter 2 (originally aired 09-18-11). __________ Join Michael Horton and White Horse Inc. President, Mark Green, for a virtual town hall on The Right Message for a Changing World. The event will take place on June 19th at 5:30 pm ET. Registration is required. To register just head over to whitehorseinn.org/therightmessage. __________ Get our new collection, The Spirit of the Age: Challenging the Alternative Gospels of Our Time. In this collection, we explore some of the religious beliefs of our contemporary culture, which are really just counterfeit gospels. And it’s available to you for a gift of $50 or more. This collection features 17 extended-length White Horse Inn episodes and 5 articles from Modern Reformation magazine. AND we’ve also included a special bonus lecture by Michael Horton entitled, “Discipleship in a Selfie Age.” Just go to whitehorseinn.org/spiritoftheage.

Failed Bible Heroes

In Genesis 3:15, God promises that one day a seed of the woman would crush the serpent’s head. What would happen if we began to read the rest of Scripture in the light of this promise? What would result if we stopped to consider whether subsequent Bible characters and heroes qualified to be the one promised who would ultimately defeat God’s enemy and restore order to his creation? Reading the story this way helps us to see with greater clarity the ways in which other Bible characters are presented as failed heroes, as well as why Christ alone is able to triumph. On this episode, Shane Rosenthal discusses this approach to reading the Bible with Justin Holcomb. __________ Get our new collection, The Spirit of the Age: Challenging the Alternative Gospels of Our Time. In this collection, we explore some of the religious beliefs of our contemporary culture, which are really just counterfeit gospels. And it’s available to you for a gift of $50 or more. This collection features 17 extended-length White Horse Inn episodes and 5 articles from Modern Reformation magazine. AND we’ve also included a special bonus lecture by Michael Horton entitled, “Discipleship in a Selfie Age.” Just go to whitehorseinn.org/spiritoftheage. __________ Join Michael Horton and White Horse Inc. President, Mark Green, for a virtual town hall on The Right Message for a Changing World. The event will take place on June 19th at 5:30 pm ET. Registration is required. To register just head over to whitehorseinn.org/therightmessage.

By Grace Alone Through Faith Alone

WHI Classic • Regardless of the denomination, most Christians would argue that the gospel of Jesus Christ is a free gift of God’s grace and mercy that no one deserves. Both by his righteous life and sacrificial death, Jesus provides for us what we cannot provide for ourselves. But at this point, some argue that the free gift of God’s grace still has to be “accepted,” and that it is on the basis of our embracing the gospel that we are saved. So what do you think? Are we saved by “choosing” to follow Christ? Is believing in Jesus the “one work” we have to do in order to get to heaven? The hosts discuss these questions and more as they interact with Ephesians chapter 2. The White Horse Inn: know what you believe and why you believe it (originally aired 09-11-11). __________ Get our new collection, The Spirit of the Age: Challenging the Alternative Gospels of Our Time. In this collection, we explore some of the religious beliefs of our contemporary culture, which are really just counterfeit gospels. And it’s available to you for a gift of $50 or more. This collection features 18 extended-length White Horse Inn episodes and 5 articles from Modern Reformation magazine. AND we’ve also included a special bonus lecture by Michael Horton entitled, “Discipleship in a Selfie Age.” Just go to whitehorseinn.org/spiritoftheage __________ Become a partner and you will receive all of the White Horse Inn extended episodes, access to our extensive archive as well as a subscription to our magazine, Modern Reformation. Head over to whitehorseinn.org/podcastpartner

The Gospel in Genesis

In the beginning, God created man in his image and likeness. What are the implications of this important truth, and how was that image twisted and distorted after the fall? What was so significant about Adam and Eve’s transgression in the first place, and how do the effects of that original sin continue to echo and reverberate throughout the rest of Scripture? Finally, how is the gospel of Christ hinted at and foreshadowed in these early chapters of Genesis? Shane Rosenthal discusses these questions and more with Anglican theologian Justin Holcomb. __________ Get our new collection, The Spirit of the Age: Challenging the Alternative Gospels of Our Time. In this collection, we explore some of the religious beliefs of our contemporary culture, which are really just counterfeit gospels. And it’s available to you for a gift of $50 or more. This collection features 18 extended-length White Horse Inn episodes and 5 articles from Modern Reformation magazine. AND we’ve also included a special bonus lecture by Michael Horton entitled, “Discipleship in a Selfie Age.” Just go to whitehorseinn.org/spiritoftheage __________ To receive our free INNtro kit which includes the current issue of Modern Reformation magazine and our most recent set of extended length White Horse Inn CD’s, go to whitehorseinn.org/kit

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