Proclaiming the Gospel in an Age of Super Apostles
WHI Classic • In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul warned his readers about various slick preachers that he referred to as the “super-apostles.” Though their style was smooth and rhetorically attractive, the substance of the gospel was either being ignored or distorted. So Paul admonishes the Corinthians church saying, “if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus…you put up with it readily enough!” On this edition of the White Horse Inn, the hosts discuss Paul’s concerns about style over substance, especially as it relates to trends in the contemporary church (originally Aird 08-28-11). __________ Sign up now to join Michael Horton and others for one of our two-day Modern Reformation Weekend Conferences. You will receive Michael Horton’s two-volume set on Justification as well as other supplemental material to help prepare you for deep conversations and fellowship over good food and drink. To sign up, head over to __________ Become a partner and you will receive all of the White Horse Inn extended episodes, access to our extensive archive as well as a subscription to our magazine, Modern Reformation. Head over to