10 Years of Beholding God: Richard Owen Roberts, pt 1
We have previously introduced you to our friend, Mr. Richard Owen Roberts. We walked through the book he assembled, Salvation in Full Color, we’ve had him on the podcast to discuss his upcoming conference (link below). But Mr. Roberts has been a part of our ministry much longer than we have been producing our podcast.
When we were discussing who we would interview for our inaugural study in the early days of Media Gratiae, Mr. Roberts was a must. We knew we wanted his wisdom and insight on the topic of rethinking God biblically. And he certainly did not disappoint. In fact, his interview is over two and a half hours long. Sadly, we had to cut the vast majority of his words in the study. But today we want to present you with some of his responses to our questions in their entirety.
Check out Mr. Roberts conference here: https://www.nbcknox.org/turn
Sign up for the giveaway here: https://www.mediagratiae.org/sign-up
Giveaway books: Blessed and Boundless God – https://heritagebooks.org/products/the-blessed-and-boundless-god-puritan-treasures-for-today-swinnock.html
The Incomparableness of God – https://banneroftruth.org/us/store/theology-books/the-incomparableness-of-god/
Studies in Christian History and Thought: Puritan Spirituality by Stephen Yuille – https://www.christianbook.com/puritan-spirituality-affective-theology-george-swinnock/j-yuille/9781556358678/pd/358678
The Existence and Attributes of God – https://www.christianbook.com/existence-attributes-god-updated-unabridged-volumes/stephen-charnock/9781433565908/pd/565900?event=ESRCG