
Friday, October 14, 2022

This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.Part I (00:13 – 03:53)An Urgent Edition of The Briefing: The Parkland Shooter Receives Life Sentence Without the Possibility of ParolePart II (03:53 – 11:18)‘Whoever Sheds the Blood of Man, By Man Shall His Blood Be Shed, for God Made Man in His Own Image’: The Imago Dei and the Biblical Foundation for Capital PunishmentPart III (11:18 – 15:04)The Broward County Courthouse and the Trial of Alvin Ford: My Confrontation with the Issue of Capital Punishment Part IV (15:04 – 20:40)‘If This Was Not the Most Perfect Death Penalty Case, Why Do We Even Have the Death Penalty At All?’: The Haunting QuestionPart V (20:40 – 23:16)‘Even So, Lord Come Quickly’: The Sheer Heinousness of Sin and the Crying Out for Ultimate JusticeSign up to receive The Briefing in your inbox every weekday morning.Follow Dr. Mohler:X | Instagram | Facebook | YouTubeFor more information on The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, go to sbts.edu.For more information on Boyce College, just go to BoyceCollege.com.To write Dr. Mohler or submit a question for The Mailbox, go here.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.Part I (00:13 – 11:13) ‘The Power of the World Spirit’: Mexico State Joins the Global Momentum to Recognize Same-Sex MarriagePart II (11:13 – 18:15) The State Department’s Gender Agenda: Our Government’s Agenda to Advance the Sexual Revolution on the World StageDEIA Strategic Plan 2022-2026 by Millennium Change CorporationPart III (18:15 – 24:57) A Parent Reflects on Yet Another Private High School Gone Woke—But Why Send Your Kids There Anyway?Girls as . . . Not Necessarily Woke by Wall Street Journal (Bruce Gilley)Sign up to receive The Briefing in your inbox every weekday morning.Follow Dr. Mohler:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | YouTubeFor more information on The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, go to sbts.edu.For more information on Boyce College, just go to BoyceCollege.com.To write Dr. Mohler or submit a question for The Mailbox, go here.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.Part I (00:13 – 11:08)‘The Power of the World Spirit’: Mexico State Joins the Global Momentum to Recognize Same-Sex MarriagePart II (11:08 – 19:27)The State Department’s Gender Agenda: Our Government’s Agenda to Advance the Sexual Revolution on the World StageDEIA Strategic Plan 2022-2026 by Millennium Change CorporationPart III (19:27 – 24:52)A Parent Reflects on Yet Another Private High School Gone Woke—But Why Send Your Kids There Anyway?Girls as . . . Not Necessarily Woke by Wall Street Journal (Bruce Gilley)Sign up to receive The Briefing in your inbox every weekday morning.Follow Dr. Mohler:X | Instagram | Facebook | YouTubeFor more information on The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, go to sbts.edu.For more information on Boyce College, just go to BoyceCollege.com.To write Dr. Mohler or submit a question for The Mailbox, go here.

Fighting and Killing Sin I: Temptation and Testing

We at The Whole Counsel love Puritans. We have benefited so much from their sermons, prayers, and books, it is our delight to discuss them and hopefully whet your appetite to read their words. In this new series of podcasts, Dr. John Snyder is going to walk through two books from the Puritan, John Owen, with our longtime friend Jeremy Walker.
In this first episode, Jeremy and John are discussing Owen’s, “On Temptation” and they discuss how to define, identify, and deal with temptation and testing. What are the differences and how should we approach them differently?
Check out Jeremy’s podcasts From the Heart of Spurgeon and A Word in Season here: https://www.mediagratiae.org/podcasts
Temptation Resisted and repulsed by John Owen: https://banneroftruth.org/us/store/christian-living/temptation/
The Mortification of Sin by John Owen: https://banneroftruth.org/us/store/christian-living/the-mortification-of-sin/
Volume 6 of the Works of John Owen: https://banneroftruth.org/us/store/collected-workssets/the-works-of-john-owen-6/
Want to listen to The Whole Counsel on the go? Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast app: https://www.mediagratiae.org/podcasts
You can get The Whole Counsel a day early on the Media Gratiae App: https://subsplash.com/mediagratiae/app

Who Was C.H. Spurgeon?

We bring on our good friend Dr. Ed Romine (PhD): the musician, the theologian, and the preacher who has spent a lot of time researching, studying, and writing about Charles Spurgeon. Ed joins us to talk about the 19th century London pastor and why his preaching and ministry was so influential. What set Spurgeon apart from his contemporaries? Why does his preaching hold up sop well even today? And where did Spurgeon go wrong?Get all the links and show notes at http://www.doctrineanddevotion.com/podcast/spurgeonSupport this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/doctrine-and-devotion/exclusive-contentAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.Part I (00:13 – 11:35) President Biden Rhetoric Gaffe Errs Towards Nuclear Proportions, Claims We Are Reaching the Point of Armageddon — Are We?Part II (11:35 – 19:20) The White House Affirms ‘The International Day of the Girl’ Yesterday — But Doesn’t That Transgress the LGBTQIA+ Revolution?A Proclamation on International Day Of The Girl, 2022 by The White HouseOur Time is Now—Our Rights, Our Future by United NationsPart III (19:20 – 26:59) ‘Under Jewish Law, a Fetus Does Not Become a Human Being or Child Until Birth’: Jewish Women File Religious Liberty Lawsuit in Kentucky Against Anti-Abortion LawsJewish Women Sue over Kentucky Abortion Laws, Citing Religious Freedom by Washington Post (Yonat Shimron)Sign up to receive The Briefing in your inbox every weekday morning.Follow Dr. Mohler:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | YouTubeFor more information on The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, go to sbts.edu.For more information on Boyce College, just go to BoyceCollege.com.To write Dr. Mohler or submit a question for The Mailbox, go here.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.Part I (00:13 – 11:35)President Biden Rhetoric Gaffe Errs Towards Nuclear Proportions, Claims We Are Reaching the Point of Armageddon — Are We?Part II (11:35 – 19:20)The White House Affirms ‘The International Day of the Girl’ Yesterday — But Doesn’t That Transgress the LGBTQIA+ Revolution?A Proclamation on International Day Of The Girl, 2022 by The White HouseOur Time is Now—Our Rights, Our Future by United NationsPart III (19:20 – 26:59)‘Under Jewish Law, a Fetus Does Not Become a Human Being or Child Until Birth’: Jewish Women File Religious Liberty Lawsuit in Kentucky Against Anti-Abortion LawsJewish Women Sue over Kentucky Abortion Laws, Citing Religious Freedom by Washington Post (Yonat Shimron)Sign up to receive The Briefing in your inbox every weekday morning.Follow Dr. Mohler:X | Instagram | Facebook | YouTubeFor more information on The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, go to sbts.edu.For more information on Boyce College, just go to BoyceCollege.com.To write Dr. Mohler or submit a question for The Mailbox, go here.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.Part I (00:13 – 09:36) A Crushing Blow to the Pride of Vladimir Putin and Morale of Russia: Ukraine Destroys the Kerch Strait BridgeBlast on Crimean Bridge Deals Blow to Russian War Effort in Ukraine by New York Times (Michael Schwirtz and Andrew E. Kramer)Part II (09:36 – 17:27) ‘A Sinkhole of Moral Equivalence’: The U.N. Votes to Ignore Abuses of Uyghur People in ChinaChina Turns Back Move for U.N. Debate on Abuse of Uyghurs by New York Times (Nick Cummings-Bruce)Why China’s Crimes in Xinjiang Cannot Go Unpunished by New York Times (Nicholas Bequelin)The U.N. Abandons the Uyghurs by Wall Street Journal (The Editorial Board)Part III (17:27 – 25:16) Cheating Scandals in Chess, Fishing, and Professional Poker — Oh MyChess Investigation Finds That U.S. Grandmaster ‘Likely Cheated’ More Than 100 Times by Wall Street Journal (Andrew Beaton and Joshua Robinson)If Chess Players Cheat, Is any Game Safe? by Wall Street Journal (Joe Queenan)Fishy Fish, Messy Chess, and Poker J’accuse: Sports Scandals Take a Turn by Wall Street Journal (Jason Gay)Sign up to receive The Briefing in your inbox every weekday morning.Follow Dr. Mohler:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | YouTubeFor more information on The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, go to sbts.edu.For more information on Boyce College, just go to BoyceCollege.com.To write Dr. Mohler or submit a question for The Mailbox, go here.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.Part I (00:13 – 09:36)A Crushing Blow to Russia and it’s Claims: Attack Damages the Kerch Strait BridgeBlast on Crimean Bridge Deals Blow to Russian War Effort in Ukraine by New York Times (Michael Schwirtz and Andrew E. Kramer)Part II (09:36 – 17:27)‘A Sinkhole of Moral Equivalence’: The U.N. Human Rights Council Votes to Ignore Abuses of Uyghur People in ChinaChina Turns Back Move for U.N. Debate on Abuse of Uyghurs by New York Times (Nick Cummings-Bruce)Why China’s Crimes in Xinjiang Cannot Go Unpunished by New York Times (Nicholas Bequelin)The U.N. Abandons the Uyghurs by Wall Street Journal (The Editorial Board)Part III (17:27 – 25:16)Cheating Scandals in Chess, Fishing, and Professional Poker — Sin Has a Way of Invading Every Human EndeavorChess Investigation Finds That U.S. Grandmaster ‘Likely Cheated’ More Than 100 Times by Wall Street Journal (Andrew Beaton and Joshua Robinson)If Chess Players Cheat, Is any Game Safe? by Wall Street Journal (Joe Queenan)Fishy Fish, Messy Chess, and Poker J’accuse: Sports Scandals Take a Turn by Wall Street Journal (Jason Gay)Sign up to receive The Briefing in your inbox every weekday morning.Follow Dr. Mohler:X | Instagram | Facebook | YouTubeFor more information on The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, go to sbts.edu.For more information on Boyce College, just go to BoyceCollege.com.To write Dr. Mohler or submit a question for The Mailbox, go here.

Who Was John Gill?

We have a special episode of Banter of Truth today, and we are giving it away to everyone. Jordan Steffaniak is back on the podcast, this time to talk about the great baptist theologian, John Gill, and The John Gill Project which is republishing manny of Gills works for 21 century Christians. Jordan is the co-founder and President of The London Lyceum, a podcast and website exploring analytic philosophy and confessionally Reformed Baptist theology, and a research fellow at the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture at SEBTS.Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/doctrine-and-devotion/exclusive-contentAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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