Christian Ethics and Moral Symmetry

Christian Ethics and Moral Symmetry

Written by Andrew T. Walker |
Friday, June 14, 2024

Making human existence reducible to our sexual desires, chromosomes, melanin, or geography without obedience to Scripture and its full-bodied anthropology grounded bearing God’s image is where today’s left wing and right wing horseshoe into similar worldviews. Without Scripture as our authority, humans are prone to valorize whatever gives them the identity they are looking for, whether homosexuality, transgenderism, misogyny, or racism.

Christian morality is a respecter of no tribe or alliance. Faithfulness to Christ requires that we apply Biblical truth to every dimension of life, including our political life and social media.

It is not simply that I agree with the content of Christian ethics. I love how Christian ethics works as a theory. Our ethical standards are timeless, objective, and impartially applied without fear or favor. Our values, understood rightly, should never change or evolve.

How Christian ethics work as a theory is best measured against how secular ethics work. If you pay attention to secular moral values, you will notice how they constantly evolve and catch up based on the current cultural mood. For example, 20 years ago, same-sex marriage was unthinkable, and Democrats universally opposed it. Twenty years later, if one is against same-sex marriage, one could never conceive of being a Democrat. So, the moral values change to meet the needs of an evolving political constituency. At root, it is a form of ethical subjectivism and relativism.

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