Christian Life in a Declining Empire
Whatever ruling power and prevailing culture exists in a given locale, the people of God have their directions from His hand and we are to do our best, by His grace and help, to obey him, no matter the cost (and it could be very costly). If our influence has diminished in this American empire, maybe it will be of help to build back from the rubble that seems inevitable.
One of the most difficult eras for the people of God in the Old Testament is when they found themselves in exile many miles away from their homeland. A succession of world powers culminated with a vast Babylonian empire engulfing a weakened Israel. For the faithful of Israel, those who loved God and trusted Him, the time in Babylonian challenged their ability to follow God’s standards. The pressures to assimilate into the godless Babylonian culture was constant.
In some sense, American Christians are increasingly finding themselves in a modern Babylon. Modern American culture has taken a stark turn away from biblical views and practices and in many cases stands in total opposition. What are Christians to do in such a time and place? Here is the prophet Jeremiah’s timeless counsel to faithful Israelites (those seeking to honor God’s Word) who found themselves in a pagan land that was antagonistic to their faith in the true and living God:
“Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, to all the exiles whom I have sent into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: Build houses and live in them; plant gardens and eat their produce. Take wives and have sons and daughters; take wives for your sons, and give your daughters in marriage, that they may bear sons and daughters; multiply there, and do not decrease. But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare. Jeremiah 29:4–7
Generally, we (Christians) are to do our best to settle in and be productive citizens where God has placed us. This does not mean we should be passive in our actions to impact the culture for Christ. Frankly, I think those kinds of efforts have been happening for years. At this point, it has not seemed to be God’s will that our efforts drastically influence the way people act and think in America. So what do we do when things seem to be sliding against us?
Back to Jeremiah’s counsel to faithful Israelites living in Babylon: We are to honor God’s order for life and family, generation to generation, no matter what madness surrounds us culturally. Also, we should be crying out to the Lord for him to rescue “the city” from godless leadership and an increasingly blind and foolish citizenry. We seem to be living in a society that is in free fall toward some kind of collapse. I might be wrong. I hope I am wrong.
The history of earthly empires is repetitive. Nations that perceive themselves as great and above God’s Law are eventually humbled by a nation or nations that are “greater.” It seems like our country thinks itself above God’s wise rule. The kinds of actions taken recently at a legislative level reveal an arrogance about our societal autonomy. There is a notion that “we” can decide for ourselves what is ethical and right.
The ultimate slap in the face of biblical ethics was the naming of a recent wicked piece of legislation, “The Respect for Marriage Act.” This legislation elevates a rebellious society’s desired practice over God’s designed foundational order for civilization. There is no doubt, America is an empire in serious decline. Our national fate will be no different than the godless empires of the past if there is not a sweeping turn from evil soon.
Assyria was “great” until Babylon became greater. Babylon was “great” until Persia was greater. Persia was “great” until Greece was greater. Greece was “great” until Rome was greater, etc., etc.
Whatever ruling power and prevailing culture exists in a given locale, the people of God have their directions from His hand and we are to do our best, by His grace and help, to obey him, no matter the cost (and it could be very costly). If our influence has diminished in this American empire, maybe it will be of help to build back from the rubble that seems inevitable.
How will we build back? By continuing to refer to the essence of Jeremiah 29 again.
Dr. Tony Felich is a Minister in the Presbyterian Church in America and serves as the Pastor of Redeemer PCA in Overland Park, Kansas.