Coming Soon: Understanding and Trusting Our Great God
Some of my earliest memories are of creeds and catechisms. Parents and pastors alike taught me the truths of the Christian faith and encouraged me to study creeds and the many questions and answers of the catechisms. What a foundation this laid in my young heart!
No words resonated more deeply than the fourth answer of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, which responds to a simple but crucial question: “What is God?” The writers of the Catechism combined sound doctrine with rhythmic, memorable prose to answer thus: “God is a spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.” This answer begins with four attributes unique to God, then describes attributes he chooses to share with other beings.
In Understanding and Trusting Our Great God, the second book in the Words from the Wise series of devotionals I’ve done with graphic artist Jules Koblun, I mean to consider the character of God as outlined in this Catechism, using words from the wise I have collected from a wide variety of Christian writers, preachers, songwriters, and poets.
Great thoughts of God ought to lead us to great wonder and delight. For to know God is to love him, and to love him is to have our hearts thrilled by him.
Learn more about Understanding and Trusting Our Great God and pre-order it at (Or, of course, grab it from Amazon.)
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Weekend A La Carte (September 2)
I am grateful to RHB for sponsoring the blog this week to tell you about their translation of Petrus Van Mastricht’s magisterial Theoretical-Practical Theology.
In case you missed it yesterday, be sure to look at the very long list of Kindle deals. There are some new ones today as well.
(Yesterday on the blog: The Christian Manifesto)
Songs Are Discipleship
“If a mist in the pulpit is a fog in the pew, the same is true of the songs we choose and sing congregationally. How does this song build up the body of Christ? How does this song edify a seasoned saint? How does this jingle build up the newly-born believer? How does this worship leader understand his role and responsibility? We must take seriously the theological development of the individuals we call worship leaders because they are disciples too.”
The Hallmark of Genuine Christianity
“What is the hallmark of genuine Christianity? What is the outward sign that a person is truly Christian, or that a community of Christians is the real thing? What is the inevitable fruit of obeying the gospel? There are many potential hallmarks…” Here is one that may be often overlooked.
Deconversion is Apostasy
It’s important to understand that deconversion is simply a new term for an old and common reality.
As Jesus Sleeps
Ed Welch: “Jesus is not worried—ever. Why? Because God, his Father (and their Father, and ours), is in heaven. He loves us more than he loves the birds and flowers. And everything is his. If there are any anxieties to be had, they are about tomorrow, and those anxieties are his to deal with, too. He is already into the details of the troubles of tomorrow.”
Our Great Guarantee
“We have to be careful when we make guarantees from the Bible. Sometimes it is better to speak of general principles because people may experience exceptions to an apparent scriptural guarantee that has been misunderstood.” But with that said, Peter gives an example of one portion of Scripture that is a guarantee.
A Forgetter’s Prayer
Melissa has a prayer you may find helpful.
Flashback: Why Marriage Is Better Than Cohabitation
Though Christians continue to affirm the uniqueness, the goodness, and the necessity of marriage, our society continues to legitimize cohabitation as either a common precursor to marriage or a complete alternative.If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. —C.S. Lewis
A Mid-Summer Family Update
It is a holiday weekend here in Canada—a strange holiday that goes by various names across the different provinces and even across different cities within the provinces. I know the first Monday in August as the Civic Holiday, but in Toronto proper it’s known as Simcoe Day while in B.C. as British Columbia Day and in Alberta as Heritage Day. As far as I know, Quebec doesn’t observe it at all. Strange, that. Either way, the majority of people in these parts have a day off to mark the very middle of summer.
I am choosing to work on the Monday, though, since I am preaching the following Sunday and generally prefer a six-day lead-up to a sermon. I find I am most comfortable in my preparation when I dedicate the best two or three hours of each day for six consecutive days. At that pace, my sermon is usually complete by Thursday or Friday, which gives me a couple of days to tinker with it—a process that typically involves sharpening illustrations and cutting about 30% of the content. I find that my sermons are almost always improved more by subtraction than addition. I’ll be preaching on “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” I’m excited to mine that little text and learn from it before I preach it.
Another reason I won’t be taking Monday off is that my family has just recently returned from a couple of weeks of vacation. We had a wonderful time together seeing new places and experiencing new things. Abby and Nate were able to be with us, as was Ryn, so we traveled as a group of six and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Ryn said afterward, “I’ve learned that Challies vacations are actually adventures more than vacations.” And I guess she’s right, though we tend to alternate so that one summer we do something that mostly involves lying around a beach or a lake while the next we do something that involves more flying or driving or other forms of movement. I kind of like that mix.
Abby and Nate are now well settled into married life. My paternal observation is that they are doing very well and enjoying one another in these early days. They’ve moved into on-campus housing at Boyce College/Southern Seminary where they each have a year or two of classes remaining, depending on the pace they choose. Nate is also working full-time which keeps him plenty busy. Michaela, meanwhile, is at the midway point of her summer vacation and working a good number of hours at the grocery store—covering for the vacationing full-timers, I suppose. As for Aileen, she is beginning a new part-time job next week and eager to see how that goes.
The whole group of us will be heading to the Getty Music Sing! conference over Labor Day weekend (that’s Labour Day for the Canadians) since that’s where I’ll be holding the launch event for my book Seasons of Sorrow: The Pain of Loss and the Comfort of God. (Pre-Order the book here!) Alistair Begg will be joining me for a conversation and then the band CityAlight will be debuting a new song they’ve written that was inspired by the book. Though the Sing! conference is an event you must pay to attend, my launch event is absolutely free for everyone, so if you’re in the Nashville area, please do drop by. You don’t even need to going to the rest of the conference! It would be great if you’d pre-register here so we know you’re coming. The event runs from 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM on Monday, September 4.
The book, meanwhile, has been printed and should be on its way to the publisher’s warehouse right now. I am eagerly awaiting my own copy of it. It is always an interesting experience for an author to meet a new book—there is a bit of fear (that there will be something wrong with the printing or that I’ll notice a brutal typo on the book cover despite so many layers of fastidious editing), a bit of hesitation (wondering if anyone would ever want to read the book anyway and what possible good it could do if they did) and, of course, a bit of joy and relief (it’s finally complete and finally ready to serve the church). Mostly I’ll be glad to finally have it in my hands and on my shelf.
Thanks for reading this far! I hope you enjoy your weekend, whether it’s a holiday weekend or just a normal one…
(And, just for fun, I had to take someone to the airport early Saturday morning, so decided to head into the city to catch a sunrise. As always, I snapped a photo and thought it came out quite nicely…) -
Free Stuff Fridays (Reformed Free Publishing Association)
This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by Reformed Free Publishing Association who also sponsored the blog this week with the article “Comforting and Doctrinal Devotions for Children.” They are giving away 10 free copies of I Belong: Heidelberg Catechism Question and Answer 1 for Children.
“What is your only comfort in life and death?
That I with body and soul, both in life and death, am not my own, but belong unto my faithful Savior Jesus Christ…”
So begins the first question and answer of the Heidelberg Catechism. I Belong: Heidelberg Catechism Question and Answer 1 for Children, a new picture book by Joyce Holstege, takes this question and answer and breaks it into sections. Throughout the book, Joyce explains each comforting phrase of the answer in language that is understandable to young children.
How to use the book
We recommend that you make use of I Belong as a devotional and read a devotion each day with your young children especially. All together there are twenty-two devotions in the book.
Here’s a sneak peek at part of the very first devotion:
It’s comforting to belong to God because you know he will care for you. The Bible tells you that when you pass through the deep waters and when you walk through the fire, God will be with you.
Joyce’s goal for the book was that it be a blessing to both children and their parents, and that it spark discussion and thought-provoking questions during times of family devotions. In addition to the devotion on each spread, there are some other great features in the book that will foster these conversations:Scripture verses: every devotion closes with a simple verse or portion of a verse that is easy to memorize and that will help children remember the comforting doctrinal truths in the devotion. Here are a couple of examples:
Psalm 51:2 – “Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin” from the devotion, “But if I belong to God, why do I need a savior?”
Matthew 10:30 – “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered” from the devotion, “Since I belong to God, God has planned everything for my life.”Illustrations: each spread of the book has a beautiful full-page illustration, created by Meagan Krosschell, a young artist from Randolph, Wisconsin. These colorful illustrations of a diverse group of children will capture children’s imaginations as they learn what it means to belong to their faithful Savior.
Takeaways: reading thought these brief summaries of each devotion (found on the same side of the spread as the illustration) are another great way to help children remember what they have learned.
Here’s what others are saying about the book
I love using this book as a devotional with our 5 year old…There are many times we stop and start our reading, as she remarks or has a question, showing an ability to grasp these truths in her young mind and heart…This book is a gem for those who want to impress upon their child’s heart that this world and everything in it belongs to God – and most importantly that we live to serve and praise our Creator God!
~HollyF on Amazon
My children ask me to read this book to them every night…Using this book has provided a wonderful opportunity for many thoughtful discussions about how we belong to God, who God is, Jesus dying on the cross, what it means to be a righteous child of God, what Heaven is like, and much more…As [we] read, I know they are understanding and learning about God and doctrine, but they are also able to begin memorizing this important Q&A of the Heidelberg Catechism.
~Randy Kuiper on Amazon
Enter here
Again, there are 10 copies to win. To enter the drawing, just drop your name and email address in the form below. This will add you to Reformed Free Publishing Association’s mailing list.
Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway will end on October 31st, 2022.