Conservatives are Part of the Problem
Many “conservatives” are only committed to conserving their own interests, nothing more. That’s why just as liberals have regressed into leftists, most conservatives have regressed into liberals. So don’t be surprised when most conservatives support gender theory, transgenderism, and public schools indoctrinating children with LGBTQ ideology in a few years. Most “conservatives” aren’t conservatives at all.
Most conservatives support Florida’s so-called “Don’t Say Gay Bill.” However, many of these supposed conservatives apparently support the bill for the wrong reasons.
Many conservatives do not care about protecting children from LGBTQ indoctrination, they only care about protecting children from leftist indoctrination.
Most “conservatives” today are heading toward the same direction as liberals and leftists—they’re simply progressing at a slower speed.
Christless conservatives hate leftism, not sin. We Christians shouldn’t forget that.
They are generally our political allies, but they are not our philosophical allies. Jesus said: “Whoever is not with me is against me.” (Matthew 12:30)
That applies to conservatives too. Leftists aren’t the only people who are against Jesus. Christless conservatives are against Jesus too. Therefore, Christless conservatives have more in common with leftists than they have with Christians.
So although leftists are a bigger threat to our soceity, Christless conservatives aren’t the solution. Actually, they are part of the problem.
Yesterday, Dave Rubin and the man he calls his husband announced they’re fathers of two children through surrogate mothers. Many supposed conservatives, including commentators and media outlets like Candace Owens, Prager University, and The Blaze—shared their support.
If you’re unfamiliar with Dave Rubin, he is a political commentator on his talk show, The Rubin Report. He occasionally refers to himself as a conservative, but he mostly describes himself as a classical liberal.
I actually admire Dave Rubin a lot. I mentioned The Rubin Report in an article about my top ten favourite podcasts two years ago. In that article, I said: “Dave Rubin is the most interesting podcaster I follow.”
His interviews with Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Larry Elder, Douglas Murray, and many more have been so helpful to me. His firsts interviews with Ben Shapiro and Larry Elder especially shaped a lot of my thinking on racial issues. The interviews encouraged me to do further research—research that strengthened my blog.