Consider 12 Things God Can’t Do … and Sleep Better!


God can do anything, right? Well, not exactly. We don’t often consider that there are things God is simply unable to do! The book 12 Things God Can’t Do… and How They Can Help You Sleep at Night explores a number of human attributes that God doesn’t possess and explains why their absence is a source of great comfort and security. 

This book examines a dozen of the most complex questions people have asked about God and reminds us how thinking properly about Him helps us understand our own identities in contrast. For example, God can’t change His mind—which means that He’ll never decide to abandon His people or rescind His gift of salvation. Even though the world is unstable and unpredictable, the Bible tells us that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 

12 Things God Can’t Do offers encouragement for when you feel restless by reminding you that God doesn’t sleep. He hears your prayers and is sovereign over all the earth, twenty-four hours a day. While we may find ourselves stunned by all that’s happening in the world around us, God isn’t surprised. He knows the beginning from the end, so being caught off guard is impossible for Him.

When you read 12 Things God Can’t Do, you’ll explore a variety of distinctions between humanity and our Creator that will bring you a renewed sense of comfort and assurance. 

Full of rich, theological truth, this book reminds us that God isn’t like us and that when we grow to know Him better, our souls can find rest and peace. If you ever find yourself worried that the world is out of control, request a copy of 12 Things God Can’t Do, and sleep a little better at night.

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