Reactions to Obama’s speech at the National Prayer Breakfast, The Gospel-less Gospel Presentation, The Nurse in the UK who was suspended for offering to pray for a patient has been exonerated, Mark 7 and the means of grace, Dark Night Sermon Review
Reactions to Obama’s speech at the National Prayer Breakfast, The Gospel-less Gospel Presentation, The Nurse in the UK who was suspended for offering to pray for a patient has been exonerated, Mark 7 and the means of grace, Dark Night Sermon Review
Bonus – Chris Rosebrough is interviewed by Evan Goeglin on the Rogue Talk radio program regarding how to properly handle and understand God’s Word.
Tavner Smith The Detour is For Your Destiny
Debrief on the C21 Conference
Shane Hipps Called to be 2nd Pastor at Mars Hill Bible Church
Common Word Muslims, Christians Press for Common Deeds
Evangelical Movement at “Head Snapping” Moment
“Courage” by Kevin Gerald of the Champions Centre in Seattle