Encore: Sealed with Blood: Missions, Confessions, and Keeping the Faith

Encore: Sealed with Blood: Missions, Confessions, and Keeping the Faith

The Belgic Confession was intended to serve as a discipleship tool, as all confessions were. Beyond the governing authorities, De Brès also had in mind those Reformed Christians who suffered immense persecution. He and other Reformed pastors worked tirelessly to disciple and equip their flocks to do the work of ministry, and the confession was a tool in that effort. For example, it was common for pastors to meet privately in the homes of underground church members, to share a meal with them, to preach and then to catechize using the Confession as a ministerial aid. The Confession not only served in the discipleship of laypeople but also church officers.

In November 2, 1561, Roman Catholic authorities in the town of Tournai (modern-day Belgium) sent a report to their superiors that a mysterious package had been discovered just inside of the walls of their castle. It had been thrown over the walls in the middle of the night by a person with nefarious intent—at least, nefarious in the perspective of the Roman authorities.

The authorities reported: “In order to make you aware of the purity of their doctrine, we present the booklet here enclosed, containing their confession, which they say more than half of this town present to us with common accord, to which more than one hundred thousand people of these lands agree together. And [they say] that they will not change it even at the risk of losing their goods, tortures, misfortunes, death or the fire, in order not to let themselves deviate from the purity of the doctrine of God. Finally, they quote several sentences in Latin, Greek and Hebrew taken from the Scripture.”[1]

So, what was this nefarious package? Both a letter addressing the authorities that stated the eagerness of these Protestant citizens to obey their Roman Catholic earthly authorities and copies of The Belgic Confession. In total, the confession is around twenty-pages in modern edition, and it has served an immeasurable role in the evangelical church for the last five hundred years. The author, a pastor named Guy de Brès, intended the confession to build up the faith of those already convinced of Reformation doctrine while also serving as an evangelistic tool.

Uniting around a robust written confession of faith serves the church in innumerable ways, many of which have been covered already in previous essays at Christ Over All. Using the Belgic Confession as a case study, this article shows three ways that confessions benefit church-state relations, Christian discipleship, and especially missions. Indeed, in a time when many are pushing for confessions that are watered down and weakened, it is this missiological benefit of confessions that merits our greater attention.

The State and Confessionalism

The Reformation was fundamentally a missions and evangelism movement recovering true gospel preaching where the church had abandoned it. It’s for that reason that Calvin, for example, emphasized the sending of church planters and missionaries back to his native France because he (and many others) considered it a non-Christian country. Protestantism birthed many great catechetical and confessional documents that served the church for hundreds of years that were written with the goal of both convincing Roman Catholics and of strengthening the faith of believers.

In the weeks prior to the mysterious booklets being thrown over the castle walls in Tournai, some Reformed believers had gathered together as a public demonstration of their faith. Despite the culture of persecution and threat of violence at the hands of the Roman officials, some Reformed Christians traveled from across the Low Countries on September 14, 1561 to meet publicly with those in Tournai. Two weeks later, about one hundred Reformed believers began walking through the city streets singing Psalms in French. By so doing, they were publicly identifying with the cause of Calvin and the other Reformers, since Psalm-singing in French was a distinctive marker of the Genevan reformer’s work. Within a few days the number of Reformed Christians demonstrating their faith publicly in this way swelled to at least three thousand.

Their goal was to make clear the sheer numbers of Reformed in the city. The officials didn’t initially respond. These Reformed believers had hoped to publicly inform the authorities of the faith, but when the authorities refused to meet with them, a printed summary was necessary to demonstrate their continuity with historic Christian belief. The Belgic Confession was penned, according to the title page, “with common accord by the believers who dwell in the Netherlands, who desire to live according to the purity of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

it was written with an eye to the governing authorities in Spain with the hopes that they would be convinced of the historicity of the Reformed faith and cease to persecute it, even if they themselves did not agree. As Cornelis Venema wrote of the confession, “The aim of the Confession is to persuade its readers that the Reformed faith is nothing other than the historic faith of the Christian church.”[2] De Brès hoped that his confession—with the common accord of other Reformed pastors and church members—would warmly distill historic Christian beliefs in contrast to the false faith that dominated their land.

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