As another year passes by, and as eternity draws ever nearer, may our focus this year not be on how we might make things better but on how Christ makes all things new. May our resolutions not be to make something more of ourselves; rather may we resolve to know Christ and to make Him known.
For thus says the One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite
(Isaiah 57:15).
As the evening sky over Sydney Harbour was once more set ablaze with fireworks, music and lightshows, I was reminded of the festivities that gained global attention some 23 years ago. It was the turn of the century, the beginning of a new millennium, and as around a million people gathered on the foreshore to ring in the new year the Sydney Harbour Bridge was lit up in bright, copperplate, gold lettering: Eternity.
The word stood as a reminder of the message that had been emblazoned on almost every street corner from the early 1930’s to the late 1960’s.
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Great News! God is on the Throne!
We need to remember, God is on the throne. Although individuals make decisions to sin and create times of suffering in others’ lives, we can know that God’s plan includes these things. Friends, that means it will be ok. These events fit in God’s overall plan that ends with the return of Christ, His eternal kingdom, and living with Him forever.
Over the past few weeks, headlines from home and around the world weigh heavily on all of us. Last weekend I read an article shared by a friend that encouraged pastors to help with fear and anxiety over the pandemic. Just yesterday, a man asked me to please help remind everyone about God’s place in the world. I agree. You may need to hear this as much as your neighbor: Great News! God is on the Throne!
The Royal StandardOne of the most famous signs to look for over Buckingham Palace or any of the Royal Residences of the Queen of England is the Royal Standard of the United Kingdom, also known as the banners of arms. The centuries-old tradition exists that when the King or Queen is in residence, the Royal Standard flag flies over the residence, which also extends to official vehicles, airplanes, and watercraft.
Why? The presence of the Royal Standard lets everyone know the King or Queen is present. Here. Right now. Especially important centuries ago, the sight of the Royal Standard brought joy into the hearts of their fellow countrymen. If there were hard trials or struggles, the sight of the Royal Standard helped ease hearts and brought calm.
Great News! God is on the Throne!Friends, in these troubling times, there is much greater news than that signified by the Royal Standard! God is on the throne!
By referring to God being on the throne, please realize it is much bigger than simply that. God is the Sovereign of the universe. God’s sovereignty includes His complete and total independent control over every creature, event, and circumstance at every moment in history. God is in complete control of every molecule in the universe at every moment, and everything that happens is either caused or allowed by Him for His own perfect purposes.[1]
The prophet Isaiah describes this control. He writes:
Declaring the end from the beginning,And from ancient times things that are not yet done,Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand,And I will do all My pleasure,’ (Isaiah 46:10)
The Lord of hosts has sworn, saying,“Surely, as I have thought, so it shall come to pass,And as I have purposed, so it shall stand: (Isaiah 14:24) -
There are Lions on the Walls!
I think we need to consider how good it is to read the Bible to the kids for our own benefit. Kids see things with a wonder that adults sometimes lack. Yes, reading to kids can be hard work sometimes, but let me encourage you, your kids are listening. And sometimes, their childlike approach to God’s word can encourage and edify you as well.
A few months ago, we started reading the book of 1 Kings with our kids during family worship. It starts off with a bang. You get the death of David, the beef with Adonijah and Solomon, the beginning of Solomon’s reign and wisdom, and then, starting in chapter five, we hit the building of the temple. Now, my oldest son is 8, and I’ll just say I was a little skeptical of how this information would be received. We’re not fancy at my house; we read the passage and discuss. And I’ll be honest, sometimes I zone out when I read through these descriptions of the temple, so I was afraid the same thing was gonna happen with them. Boy was I wrong.
These kids were all in. I’m reading about dimensions and windows and pomegranates, and they were eating it up. They were begging to look at our study Bible that had all of the pictures. Every night they were enthusiastically waiting for the next passage about the temple. They marveled at rooms completely overlaid with gold. They loved trying to envision the lions engraved on the walls, the giant cherubim with touching wings, and the oxen holding up 12,000 gallons of water. Not to mention all of the basins and pitchers and lamps and the altar. They were able to hear God’s word with joyful anticipation. They were willing to see wonderful things from God’s law.
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Dehumanization is Just Another Way to Kill
Written by C. R. Carmichael |
Thursday, July 14, 2022
According to the latest information from the Pew Research Center, Christians suffer more than any other religious group from various governmental and societal hostilities around the world today. Because of this reality, we should have the empathy to be more mindful of our Gospel call to comfort others who are in any affliction (2 Corinthians 1:4), and to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves” (Romans 15:1).Have you noticed the ugly trend of certain ideologically-driven factions painting their opponents as less than human? Or the ruling elites and angry protesters calculating a person’s human worth based on their perceived usefulness to society?
Recent examples of this kind of behavior may surprise you. They include an abortion advocate who painted the words “Not Yet Human” on her exposed, very-pregnant belly; a prominent church leader tweeting out: “Whiteness is an unrelenting, demonic force of evil”; and a Rutgers professor who pronounced that white people are “committed to being villains” who need to be “taken out.”
Such vile attempts to strip away the intrinsic value of an individual or group in order to legitimize their social banishment or destruction is called “dehumanization,” and it is re-emerging as a potent force in our toxic culture these days.
Figuratively speaking, it is like trying to eliminate someone with the cold precision of a sniper’s bullet. Dehumanization, in both its passive and active forms, is attempting to erase a person. It attempts to erase a person’s purpose, erase their unique gifts, erase their value, erase their morality, and equate them with expendable animals to be caged, experimented on, or swiftly put down at the perpetrator’s discretion.
One might rightly ask how this immoral act can exist in our so-called enlightened age. You would think that the attempt to relegate a group of people to a subhuman or abstract category would be considered abhorrent in our modern society—especially after the travesties of American slavery, the Holocaust, or the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. Surely the emphatic statement, “Never again!” has been the foundational declaration of a wiser, more compassionate world over the last century, has it not?
Yet here we are in the midst of a sweeping new “cancel culture” of hate.
Dehumanization Emerges From Spiritual Disease
If you go by a majority of prevalent “woke” attitudes in American society today, dehumanization is the preferred weapon of choice—especially in the Wild West of social media and rage-filled protests. White people, political conservatives and the unborn appear to be the popular new targets, and are now sharing space with historically-oppressed minority groups. Yet the hatred directed at them still reeks of the age-old spiritual diseases of racism, bigotry, and rebellion against God.
Needless to say, it is astonishing to find how easily these twisted, hateful attitudes have become the endorsed rhetoric of our time. The latest diatribes against another race or creed is no more acceptable than when they were spoken against the Jews in Nazi Germany or African-Americans in the Old South. And yet such similar malevolence against certain brothers and sisters of our society is often celebrated by our ruling elites and propagated by corporate mainstream media as a way to control the populace through division or to intimidate those who stand in the way of their influence and power.
Today’s virtual murderers, regardless of their particular ideology or political bent, utilize the evil process of dehumanization so they can justify their violent behavior towards their “enemies” in the hope of erasing their opposing ideas from view. As journalist Slavenka Drakulic once explained it, “When a person is reduced to an abstraction, one is free to hate him because the moral obstacle has already been abolished.” Or as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn put it: “To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he’s doing is good.”
The problem with using dehumanization as a vehicle for righteous indignation, however, is that it doesn’t have a shred of moral integrity in its makeup. The Bible, the God-breathed standard for morality and ethics, doesn’t allow for this kind of evil among men. Why? Because the Bible has revealed to us this great truth: human beings were created in the image of God!
Dehumanization Disrespects The Image Of God
Indeed, from the beginning of the Biblical narrative, we are told that mankind is unique among creation because men and women, unlike the other living creatures on Earth, have been created in the likeness of God. “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27).
This is why murder is considered so heinous. The shedding of human blood is a rebellious assault against the unique and sacred relationship between God and those who bear His image on earth (Genesis 9:6).
What an amazing thought to know that we all bear, in some profound way, the image of God regardless of race, creed or societal standing.
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