Faith with a Backbone
God has gifted you with faith in the Captain of your salvation, Jesus Christ (Heb 2:10). His sinless life, His death on the cross, and His glorious resurrection are the only things that can uphold you on that day of dread and gladness. A faith in anything else has no backbone and is empty. Only Christ can save. Only faith in Him has a backbone.
As a kid who grew up in the 90s, certain songs get stuck in my head. One of those (especially after the movie Space Jam) was the song I Believe I Can Fly. (I apologize to all of you who now have that song stuck in your head). This songs acts as a cheesy metaphor for the “I can do anything” attitude of our culture. It’s catchy, it’s well produced, but let me ask an annoyingly literal question for a minute: Does believing you can fly, yes, even believing you can touch the sky, make you able to actually fly? (Bear with me). Of course not! And even if you who sing that song loud enough and with enough sincerity, even then, a loud thud will be heard outside your window when you try to fly off the roof of your house. You know why? Because as much as faith matters, faith without a backbone is useless.
Useless Faith
There are many people who will scoff at my silly example of “believing you can fly,” but how many people are basically doing the same thing, except with a religious flair. This faith without a backbone is all too common. “God knows my heart. He wouldn’t send someone like me to hell,” or “God has promised to give me health, wealth, and prosperity,” or “Jesus isn’t the only way. He is just one way among many.” Where do you get that information? How are you coming to these conclusions? Your reasoning? Your moral standards? I’ll tell you one place you aren’t getting those thoughts: The Bible.
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Parenting in a Scary World
God’s Word doesn’t shelter us from the ugliness of human depravity. It’s right to explain to our kids (age-appropriately) what’s going on and how it points to our Redeemer. The temptation to avoid uncomfortable topics is real, but if we don’t speak with our kids about sexuality, we can rest assured the world will. Let’s resist any hint of shame culture that would cause embarrassment about the bodies and functions God created. Individual families need to decide when they’ll introduce things like biologically correct anatomical terms, the reproductive cycle, puberty, pornography, LGBTQ+ ideology, and other sexual developments and sins our children will face. But we must own our responsibility to teach them.
Whether you’re parenting toddlers, teens, or both, today’s sexual climate probably concerns you. I once heard parenting described as walking around with your heart outside your body [1]; that feels accurate. Parents face intense vulnerability as we strive to keep our dear children safe. Now that I have a teen and a ten-year-old, keeping my boys safe looks much different than when they were babies and toddlers. I’m no longer worried about them catapulting out of their crib or flinging themselves into a pool.
But the dangers they face as they grow older are even scarier. Will they cling to Christ amid an antagonistic culture? Will they continue to know who they are as boys—growing into men—made in God’s image to glorify him? Will they resist the dehumanizing and addictive lure of pornography? If they marry, will they commit to women who fear the Lord? Of course, I care about their physical well-being. But will their souls be safe?
More than anything, I long to rejoice in eternal glory with my sons as my brothers.
God Uses Means
It’s easy to look around at the world and let fear shrivel our hearts. According to a recent Barna survey, 73% of Christian parents are “concerned about their children’s spiritual development.” This concern isn’t groundless; our children are under attack (see 1 Peter 5:8). As Mark Sanders highlighted, so many of our youth are deceived and seeking purpose in identifying as LGBTQ+. What can we do to make sure our kids will be okay?
Being not sovereign, not omniscient, and not omnipotent, we can’t guarantee anything. Our parenting can’t secure any particular outcome for our children. Faithful Christian parents might, heartbreakingly, watch their children turn away from the Lord.
Yet God works through means. In his providence, godly parents are a gift to their children and instruments in the Lord’s hands. How can we parent our kids from a place of confidence in the Lord rather than fear? Here are some thoughts and practices I’ve observed in wise Christian parents that my husband and I seek, by God’s grace, to follow.
1.Trusting the Lord
Exhausted and defeated when my newborn wasn’t sleeping despite my having read, underlined, and applied all the baby book instructions, I agonized over what I was doing wrong. Don’t we all like a clear “do this, get that” sequence? But children are not programmable robots and only sometimes do what we expect.
Just as we’re saved only by God’s grace in Christ, not by our works, he is the only one we can rely on in all aspects of raising our kids. If they resist LGBTQ+ ideology and other sexual sins, it will be by God’s grace. This shatters my pride and gives me hope. If our children stand firm, praise Jesus—it’s his work alone. If they turn away, God is still good and accomplishing his plan in their lives and ours. I am finite and less good than God, the author of my children’s story as well as my own.
I am finite and less good than God, the author of my children’s story as well as my own.
The Judge of all the earth shall do what is just (Gen. 18:25) and calls himself “a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness” (Ex. 34:6b). This truth soaks comfort into a believer’s soul, helping us entrust our precious children to the everlastingly faithful Father. We can’t guarantee anything, and we certainly can’t save them—and this is good news, because we make terrible saviors. The hopeful reality is that they’re in the hands of the triune Creator, who is justice, mercy, and love.
I’m happily convinced that praying for and with our kids is the best thing we can ever do for them. It’s better than all the discipline, school choices, family times, and device limits in the world.
Praying for Our Children
In Christ, frail humans are united to the One who spoke the universe into existence and keeps our breath circulating each moment. Prayer acknowledges that we are God’s, his way is best, and he is mighty. Before stating that “children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward” (v. 3), Psalm 127 begins with a foundational truth: “Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain” (vv. 1–2). We can rest (“he gives to his beloved sleep”) because God is the builder and the watchman (v. 2).
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Suffering Saints and a Glorious Homecoming
There is a heavenly homecoming ahead for us believers. All the suffering and hardships that we have gone through in this life will seem like nothing compared to the glories of heaven and being once again with those that we love—including of course our Lord. We will indeed be with him and others for eternity.
Two basic truths the believer can count on are these: in this life we will suffer, and in the next life we will be free of that and will forever be exalting in our Lord. I want to look at these realities by appealing to two great men of God: Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892), and Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758). And I want to draw upon two books which both came out in 2007.
In The Suffering Letters of C. H. Spurgeon annotated by Hannah Wyncoll (Wakeman Trust) we find much of value from the “Prince of Preachers” who suffered so much. Many letters not published before are found in this helpful work. In it we are reminded of just what Spurgeon went through in his exceedingly busy and productive life:
For thirteen years up to 1867 C. H. Spurgeon was able to exert himself fully in all the many ministries built up under the auspices of the Tabernacle. But in October of that year he suffered his first serious episode of illness, and for the next 24 years sustained regular bouts of vomiting, fever and considerable pain, with swelling and rheumatic pain in his limbs, and also extreme mental exhaustion. His work output in the light of such ill health was truly amazing…
Spurgeon’s literary work was immense. He compiled more than 140 books, maintained the monthly The Sword and the Trowel magazine (from 1865), and edited the weekly sermon (The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit) which enjoyed a considerable distribution. Amazingly, he responded to an average of 500 letters each week.
Spurgeon started visiting the south of France from 1871 for a few weeks during the winter to alleviate the pain of his condition. Once there, however, he did not stop his work. He would conduct morning prayers, sometimes with up to 60 people attending. He continued to edit the weekly sermon and The Sword and the Trowel magazine as well as continuing to work on many books, such as the seven-volume set (originally) The Treasury of David. He also preached, when well enough at local churches. (pp. 9-11)
Amazing indeed. Let me quote from just one of his letters. This one is from late in 1890, just a few years before his death. He wrote, in part:
Let us always seek sanctification through affliction rather than escape from it. I have no question that there is great wisdom in the Lord’s laying aside his instruments. It is for his own glory, for thereby he shows that he is not in need of them; and it is for their humbling, for hereby they learn how deep is their need of him. The uninterrupted reception of blessing through one channel might breed in our foolish hearts an idolatrous confidence in the means and therefore there comes a break in the use of that means, that the Lord may be the more tenderly remembered. We may be sure that, if the Lord dries up a cistern, it is because he would have us fly to the fountain of inexhaustible strength.
I desire to rejoice that, in all these thirty-six years, with sicknesses so frequently upon me, I have never been compelled to drop either the weekly sermon or the monthly magazine. There has either been an interval of power, or I have been a little forward with the work when the stroke has laid me aside. May I not say “Hitherto hath the Lord helped me”? Having received help of God, I continue unto this day, and I shall abide in my calling so long as there is work for me to do for my Lord. (p. 71)
It is the reality of heaven that all suffering saints look forward to. In this matter I will quote from Sam Storms and his very helpful book, Signs of the Spirit: An Interpretation of Jonathan Edwards’ Religious Affections (Crossway). In his chapter on heaven, he said this about Edwards:
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The Ghastly Truth about “Gender Transitioning” Is Coming Out, and Liberal Elites Can’t Stop It
Children who have been ruined by transgender ideology are coming forward and speaking “their truth” on every platform available to them, and their stories are heartbreaking. And photos of children who have undergone transition surgery…are horrifying to people even when those posting them are doing so positively.
(LifeSiteNews)—It is no surprise that progressives are amping up efforts to cancel Matt Walsh, the Daily Wire podcast host and activist taking on the gender ideologues. His investigation into the Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s practice of “transitioning” children—which included video of one doctor noting that the surgeries are “huge money makers”—triggered Tennessee lawmakers to call for an investigation. This has resulted in an announcement by Vanderbilt that it will be halting all “sex change” surgeries for underage patients while reviewing their processes.
When the U.K.’s Tavistock clinic did this, the independent investigation found that children were being “transitioned” hastily—and a class-action lawsuit with up to 1,000 families participating was close behind.
There were plenty of commentators—even on the conservative side—who scoffed at the idea that a bare-knuckle brawler like Matt Walsh (and the Daily Wire) could produce reportage that could create change. But there is a direct line between Walsh’s reporting and activism and a major hospital putting a hold on mutilating children. This is undeniably huge. Walsh, like the rest of us, isn’t perfect. But his activism against the gender ideologues has been undeniably effective, and he gets results where others have failed.
Meanwhile, the Daily Wire is also showcasing how to relentlessly expose a movement that has been operating with impunity—and the consent of institutional elites—and to the permanent detriment of tens of thousands of children. I suspect that coverage from non-mainstream outlets has assisted in driving these stories to the surface. Consider this recent story from Reuters, for example, that exposes the fact that the manufacturers of puberty-blocking drugs such as Endo International plc and AbbVie Inc have refused to conduct safety trials despite their products being prescribed to children:
Left-wing news outlet Reuters published data on Thursday about the rising number of children and adolescents adopting a transgender identity and seeking medical interventions. Among the shocking revelations is that between 2017 to 2021, 17,683 of the 121,882 children ages 6 to 17 diagnosed with gender dysphoria received puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones. Despite such widespread adoption for the drug’s off-label use, the drug’s manufacturers refuse to conduct safety trials for their use in treating gender dysphoria in adolescents.
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