Fall 2023 Supporter Update


Media Gratiae is an independent, donor-funded publisher. We both create and distribute material focusing on the experiential Christian life. Throughout 2023, we have been blessed to produce materials such as Behold Your God: Seeking Him Early, and distribute the film Welsh Awakening.

In addition to creating study resources for churches, families, and small groups, we also produce several podcasts such as The Whole Counsel, From the Heart of Spurgeon, A Word in Season, and Hymn Stories.

Every year we publish a ministry report to let those who support us know how their money was used. We are very grateful to those who helped us produce this content. But we also produce the ministry report so everyone who follows us can know how to pray for us in the upcoming year. We do not ask for donations, funds, or support. But we will ask you to pray for us. Pray that we would live lives pleasing to our King. Pray that we will produce material that honors Him. Pray that we would have hearts in line with His will.

You can read our ministry report here: https://report.mediagratiae.org

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