Five Reasons Why Men Should Marry
The marriage covenant brings companionship, mutual support, and love, enhancing both spouses’ overall quality of life. As husbands and wives work towards common goals, share experiences, and grow together, they find a deep sense of fulfillment that cannot be achieved through any other relationship. Furthermore, married men tend to experience greater emotional stability due to the support and encouragement from their wives.
In today’s culture, we see a troubling trend: more American men are delaying marriage or opting out entirely, posing damaging and potentially disastrous ramifications for society. While more women are also caught up in the same trend, the statistics among men are the highest and most troubling. Recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows that the median age for first marriages has climbed to 30.4 for men, a record high. Studies by Pew Research found that in 2021, 47.35 million men never married, while in 2023, 28 percent of 40-year-old men were still unmarried, a nearly five-fold increase over 1980, when just 6 percent of men had entered middle age without having tied the knot.
At the same time, movements that discourage marriage, citing potential financial losses in divorce, are gaining popularity. Concerns about the division of assets, alimony, and child support are often cited as reasons for men to avoid marriage. However, as designed by God, the institution of marriage offers invaluable benefits that far outweigh these concerns.
In this article, you’ll find five compelling reasons, grounded in biblical truth and supported by statistical evidence, that explain why men should marry.
1. Fulfilling God’s Design for Companionship
From the beginning, God designed marriage to meet a fundamental human need for companionship. In Genesis 2:18–24, we read,
“Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’… Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”
Marriage is God’s answer to man’s need for a companion, providing a unique partnership that mirrors the completeness found in God’s nature.
Since the beginning of time, God’s design for marriage has served as a guiding light. Modern studies reveal an essential truth: married men often enjoy better mental health than their single counterparts.
A comprehensive survey of 127,545 adults shows that married men experience greater health and longevity than single, divorced, or widowed men. They face a 46 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease, while those who have never married are three times more likely to face serious health issues.
Additionally, married men have better survival rates against cancer, including prostate cancer, along with lower rates of depression, sharper cognitive function, and a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s.
Much of this is because marriage promotes better choices. The Journal of Health and Social Behavior notes that they are less likely to engage in risky behaviors, such as excessive drinking, smoking, and reckless driving. Contrary to the Hollywood narrative, a wealth of studies reveal that married men enjoy greater financial stability and experience more satisfying sex lives compared to their unmarried peers. Marriage brings a sense of accountability and mutual care that promotes responsibility, a greater sense of purpose and meaning, and longer and more fulfilling relationships with not just their wife but also with family, friends, and the larger community.
In the grand tapestry of health, marriage weaves a hopeful thread, leading to better outcomes when dealing with life’s various challenges.
2. Sanctification and Growth in Holiness
Marriage is not just a social contract but a divine tool for sanctification. Ephesians 4 encourages believers to live in a way that reflects their new identity in Christ, urging them to abandon youthful lusts and the works of the flesh. Verse 22 emphasizes the need to put off the old self, which is corrupted by deceitful desires, highlighting the importance of shedding habits that lead to spiritual decay.