Five Sermons for Mothers


No one can rightly deny that mothers play an important role in children’s lives. In these five sermons, Alistair Begg turns to Scripture to consider what it says about God’s design for families and the high calling of motherhood.

Motherhood — A Sacred Task (Titus 2:3-5)Listen | Download MP3

When Paul exhorted Titus to teach sound doctrine, he also instructed older women to teach younger women so that God’s Word would not be maligned. In this Mother’s Day message, Alistair Begg encourages us to resist the lure of secular culture’s values and instead to honor those who work hard at home, loving their husbands and children. A mother finds liberation and fulfillment in her role when she believes God’s eternal purposes for motherhood and obeys His instructions.

Mother’s Fellowship Series: Love and Marriage (1 Peter 3:1-7) —  Listen | Download MP3

Society will only be held intact when the marriage bond is held in honor. How as a Christian do we manage to respond the cultural attack on biblical marriage and develop a lifestyle that is attractive to a society void of models? Paul charges women to be pure (which starts in the mind),to be reverent towards God and their husbands and to be beautiful (which happens in proportion to time spent with God). Husbands are to be chivalrous and considerate towards their wives and to also establish communion with them.

The High Calling of Wives and Mothers (Titus 2:4-5) — Listen | Download MP3

Looking back on our lives, we quickly recall the tremendous impact of our mothers on us and our homes. Our culture is confused about the great privilege and task of making a home; the investment a mother makes in the lives of her children is invaluable. Alistair Begg presents a biblical perspective, defining the priorities and purpose of mothers who are wholly devoted to God.

Family Life — God’s Way (Exodus 20:12)Listen | Download MP3

Today’s culture worships youth but disregards authority. Alistair Begg challenges us to consider that when the Fifth Commandment requires us to honor our parents, it establishes a principle that is at the foundation of society. Honoring our parents reflects the degree to which we honor God. As this principle is worked out in practical ways, it has the potential to transform our society for the glory of God.

God’s Design For The Family (Deuteronomy 5:16)Listen | Download MP3

The strongest society is one in which families are held together under the authority of the Scripture. The Bible provides parents with direction on how they can teach their children in a way that does not embitter them, but rather prompts genuine love and obedience. Alistair Begg reminds parents that their primary objective should be turning their children’s hearts toward Christ, which in turn creates the foundation for outward change.

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