Free Stuff Fridays (Christian Focus Publications)

This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by Christian Focus Publications. They are offering copies of A New Exposition of the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 to five winners.
What People Have Said About the Book:
Joel R. Beeke: This is an important resource for Baptists to understand their historic doctrines that were rooted in the Reformation. While I would disagree with the appendix that argues for credobaptism, many of the chapters are superb in their biblical, theological, and experiential understanding and application of the great truths of Scripture.
Tom J. Nettles: This commentary on the 1689 contains all the riches needed in this peculiarly relevant undertaking. It is set in its rich historical context without destroying its ongoing contemporary relevance. The authors are committed to the confession’s theological position in the context of rigorous biblical exposition. Both the content of the confession and the outlay of its exposition contains all the strengths of doctrinal catholicity, orthodoxy, evangelicalism, and Baptist thought. Each author has a deep grasp of the rich heritage of historical theology and the issues involved in canonical biblical interpretation and brings these to bear on the specific article under discussion. This volume will add richness to the weekly study of a pastor and give an invaluable book for church groups for enriching their biblical knowledge and the contextual consistency and doctrinal coherence of the inspired Scriptures.
Conrad Mbewe: I am grateful that there is a growing interest in doctrinal Christianity here in Africa and all over the world. Whereas there are many books dealing with one or two aspects of theology, it is good to have one book that gives those coming to Reformed Baptist convictions a comprehensive view of what we believe. The New exposition of the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689, written by proven men in ministry, is such a resource. Let us make it available to many. The fruit will be evident for all to see for generations to come!
Ian Hamilton: It may seem odd that a convinced Presbyterian should write a warm commendation to this volume expounding the 1689 Baptist Confession. However, I do so with pleasure and seriousness. Throughout church history, confessions of faith have served the church admirably, helping to guard the church’s biblical identity and gospel calling. You do not need to agree with every sentence in this 1689 Confession to benefit greatly from its exposition by men of theological orthodoxy and pastoral integrity. Martin Bucer’s maxim, ‘True theology is not theoretical but pastoral; the end of it is to live a godly life’, is richly expounded throughout this fine volume. Read and sink your mind and heart into the rich truths as expressed in this new work.
To be in with a chance of winning a copy of this fantastic new resource, enter your email address below.