On this episode of Protestia Tonight for July 26th, 2022, David discusses the insults to the church coming off the pen of David French and flashes back to the false gospel promoted by NAMB’s “3 Circles” man-centered evangelism program. In the patron portion, we discuss the insanity of claiming Jesus was resurrected in a disabled form, and answer a sincere question about psychotropic drugs.

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It Is Finished, Part 3
Part of the Exposition of the Gospel of John series,
Preached by Pastor Austin Hetsler on August 8, 2021 (Sunday Morning).
“One loses with a whimper…one wins with a SHOUT”
Continuing with the exposition of the Gospel of John. John 19:17-30
Watch The Video Of This Episode:
Man of God, Man of War, Part 1
Preached by Pastor Austin Hetsler on November 7th, 2021 (Sunday Morning)
Part of the Sunday Service series, preached at a Sunday Morning service
“Godly, strong young men are worth fighting for, and they are worth dying for…because the society that lacks them will collectively die.”
The first of a two-part examination of Psalm 144.
Watch the video of the Sermon Here:
Victory for John MacArthur and Grace Church |E81
The Godcast with Josh Fritz, Episode 81
Josh updates all of us on the saga that is going on between the county of Los Angeles and Grace Community Church, in the Superior Court of Los Angeles, CA. John MacArthur and Grace Church earn a short-term victory. All information is below, including a video version of this episode.
After several days of back and forth between LA County and Grace Community Church, The Superior Court of LA County, stated that there is no court order prohibiting Grace Community Church from holding indoor worship services.
Below is the article and content regarding the latest for Grace Community Church and Pastor MacArthur: https://www.thomasmoresociety.org/cat…
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The Gutenberg editor uses blocks to create all types of content, replacing a half-dozen ways of customizing WordPress, bringing it in line with modern coding standards, and aligning with open web initiatives. When we refer to “blocks” we are talking anything that can be inserted into the editor to create content.
Sites Built To Last
The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.
From the Atomic Lab
The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.
Beautiful Designs
The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.
Rock Solid Standards
The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.