Galatians & Gender Roles

Galatians & Gender Roles

As we look at the context of the verse, it is clear that Galatians 3:28 does not justify doing away with gender as just some social construct and a proof text supporting the idea of women pastors or women elders. The doctrine being put on display is the glory of the atonement. When God saves us through the work of Jesus Christ, we are fully united to Him, raised to a new life, and have hope that one day we will appear with Him again.

It has become increasingly common for people to use Galatians 3:28 as proof text that we’ve done away with gender and traditional roles. The verse reads, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” As we look at the context of the verse, it is clear that Galatians 3:28 does not justify doing away with gender as just some social construct and a proof text supporting the idea of women pastors or women elders.

The doctrine being put on display is the glory of the atonement. When God saves us through the work of Jesus Christ, we are fully united to Him, raised to a new life, and have hope that one day we will appear with Him again.

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