Gather: Loving Your Church as You Celebrate Christ Together

Gather, Loving Your Church

Gathering in person to worship and learn from God’s Word Sunday by Sunday is essential to our spiritual health and vital for a Christ-centered church community.

The book Gather: Loving Your Church as You Celebrate Christ Together is written to encourage us to participate in Sunday worship with joyful purpose. Author and pastor Tony Merida invites us to revisit our motivations and realign our hearts with the privilege we have to praise and glorify Christ together with the members of His church. He explains,

Indeed, there is nothing in the world like the gathering of the church. No other meeting or event is like the one that happens week by week when God’s people come together in a local church. That is because this gathering, unlike every other gathering in the world, is supernaturally designed by God to edify followers of Jesus and draw people to Jesus while exalting the name of Jesus. In other words, no other gathering is guaranteed by God to lead to our good, to others’ good, and to God’s glory.

Gather is written to help you make Sunday worship the pinnacle of your week. You’ll explore God’s design for the gathering of His people and the reasons why in-person fellowship is so important. Each chapter includes actionable steps to make the most of Sunday church and specific suggestions for actively participating and encouraging those around you.

“This is a timely and necessary call to all who profess to love Jesus. Gather doesn’t just tell me why I need to gather with my church—it makes me want to.” ––Alistair Begg

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