He Shall Save His People from Their Sins
Written by G. Campbell Morgan |
Sunday, December 24, 2023
You tell me that the miracles of Jesus were supernatural. I tell you, they were always restorations of the unnatural to natural positions. When he cured disease, it was but the restoration of man’s normal physical condition. He was taking away the results of sin. So, all along the line of his miracles of healing and his calling back out of death, he manifested his power. I see him in the contest with sin, showing men tentatively, not yet finally, how he had the power to take away sins.
Many people have difficulty celebrating Christmas because of their pain and heartache. But for the Christian, the Lord often uses pain and sorrow to move us into a more profound celebration because we realize that the Child we are celebrating is our ultimate redemption from all pain and heartache. The following profound thought by G. Campbell Morgan tells us why.
The terms of the promise of the advent were, “You shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” From hell? Certainly, but I pray you remember, only by saving them from their sins. He saves us not only from the punishment of sin but, more importantly, from sin itself. That was the great word, “He shall save his people from their sins.” When the shepherds heard the angels’ song, what did they say? “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” The promise of advent was that the coming One would take away sins.
During the probation of the long years, this person was meeting all the forces of human temptation and overcoming them. I think we may accurately and reverently speak of the long years of probation as testing years, years in which the fact of the sinlessness of the Son of God was worked out into human visibility.
What were the words of Jesus during his life and ministry?