How Do You Value Your Worth?
Written by Mark D. McIntyre |
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Over the years, I’ve come to appreciate that God is the One True Owner who owns everything. All blessings flow from him. As believers, that means we are stewards of whatever God blesses us with, including financial resources. The Bible is full of financial advice.
I used to call my former financial advisor every few weeks to ask him, “What am I worth today?” My advisor is a great guy, and he performed a superb job of growing my investment portfolio for twenty years, but he never appreciated the irony of my question.
A person’s worth, of course, should never be given a dollar value.
That said, for the first five decades of my life, I idolized money. Even as my “worth” grew beyond my own expectations, the boldface number atop my financial statement was never quite large enough. The carrot at the end of the string remained just out of reach—and I knew why.
Measuring a Successful Life
Growing up, my father was my primary influence. He valued physical fitness and financial security and passed along those values to me. That’s why I spent much of my adult life thinking that the key indicators of a successful life were a flat stomach and a fat bank account. As a result, I was never quite fit enough or rich enough.
But in recent years, after surrounding myself with friends who follow Jesus and immersing myself in scripture, I have learned that true security comes only from an eternal perspective. I have learned that freedom—including financial freedom—comes from knowing that I am a son of the King and being content with whatever he bestows.
Over the years, I’ve come to appreciate that God is the One True Owner who owns everything. All blessings flow from him. As believers, that means we are stewards of whatever God blesses us with, including financial resources.
Stewards, Not Owners
The Bible is full of financial advice.