While we don’t typically focus on contemporary issues on the Whole Counsel, we wanted to take one episode to introduce you to an author that we trust on a topic that has become the source of unexpected confusion in many churches.
Michael David Perkins, in his recently released book Dangerous Affirmations, provides a clear perspective on the recent trend of affirming “gay Christianity.” In a careful, thorough, and Christ-honoring way, Michael leads the reader through the fundamental beliefs behind this trend, as well as the Biblical reason for rejecting these beliefs.
Michael Perkins and John Snyder discuss the various misconceptions in many churches that have arisen from the misdiagnosis of homosexuality and the misdirected expression of compassion that has surfaced in many churches. While guiding us to a more Biblical and loving approach to those who have embraced this lifestyle, Michael and John also speak of the need for the believers to consider the “respectable sins” they themselves may be embracing. Perhaps you will find Michael’s book helpful in answering the question: How do we share the truths of our King, Jesus, with humility and reverence, in a world that craves affirmation for its newest expressions of self-rule?
For more information regarding the new book Dangerous Affirmations, visit www.dangerousaffirmations.net.
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