Illusion vs. Reality

Illusion vs. Reality

The Biden administration is challenging God’s created design, and God did not award the state normative authority. He allows civil powers to rule, even uses them for His purposes, but He does not grant them the right to overturn His Word.

“Sex” is getting a makeover. President Joe Biden’s administration has approved a new federal rule that redefines sex to mean “sexual orientation and gender identity,” divorcing biology from American law. The rule endangers women and girls, and shatters civil rights—but it also gives Christians a chance to apply crucial ethical principles to public policy.

The new rule changes Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972—which has guaranteed sex equality in education for more than 50 years—to now allow a man who says he “feels” like a woman to use females’ private spaces, including bathrooms and locker rooms. If he is prevented from doing so, he could file a federal complaint.

This poses an obvious danger to women. Whistleblowers have already turned up examples of assaults in public school bathrooms and injuries to young women on athletic fields when they competed against boys.

As matters of civil rights and personal safety, believers should oppose the rule.

Christians have ethical concerns, too, because redefining a word that is central to creation order has far-reaching consequences. God created humanity as man and woman with unique differences, namely the ability to produce sperm or eggs. Anomalies happen, but do not change the rule.

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