I’m Just Starting to Understand the Bible

I’m Just Starting to Understand the Bible

Sometimes I read passages I’ve read hundreds of times before, and a new insight leaps off the page. I puzzle over passages, and find that the longer I look at them, the more they yield. I never finish looking at a passage and think, “Yep. Got that one down.” And then there are the relationships between passages, the allusions, the themes that run from beginning to end. I’ve been studying the Bible for a long time now, and it feels like I’m just getting started.

I drove up to the United States border guard. I have a Nexus card, so I didn’t expect much of a problem.

“Purpose of visit?”

“I’m attending a study week.”

“What are you studying?”

“Just the Bible.”

“Just the Bible?” he exclaimed. Point taken: there is no “just” the Bible. It is a book unlike any other, not even a book but a collection of books. Even if you’re not a Christian, you have to admit it’s amazing. But as a Christian, I see it as much more than a book. It’s my bread and nourishment. There’s no “just” the Bible.

“What do you do for a living?“ he continued.

“I’m a pastor.”

“How long have you been a pastor?”

“Over thirty years.”

“You’ve been a pastor for over thirty years? What could you possibly have to learn about the Bible?”

“You don’t know much about the Bible, do you?” I thought, but I decided it would be better to think these words rather than say them.

The conversation continued for another five minutes. He wasn’t happy that I was entering the States to study the Bible. Maybe he didn’t like Christians. Maybe he was having a bad day. Maybe he decided he didn’t like me.

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