It’s Showtime!
At the heart of God’s show is the cross of Christ (1:23-25). God’s show glorifies what the world is most ashamed of – the crucifixion of the Lord of glory. And, that event obliterates human boasting (1:29), and gives all the glory back to God (1:31). So, this is God’s show! It is show-time at church. But this show isn’t for us to watch with our pop-corn, or sip with our coffee, as we sit comfortably in our seat. It’s not a show, where our children are quietly taken care of, and the parking is easy to find. It’s not where everything is polished, and we slip in and out for the bits of the performance we like.
Some of you will know the internet slang: “TL; DR”. It means “Too long; didn’t read”, and, if we’re honest, it’s how we’ve all found ourselves reacting at times. It’s probably what you’re tempted to do with this piece of writing! I think “TL; DR” illustrates a shift that’s taken place in the 20th C. Entertainment has shifted how our brains react to politics, education and religion. So, today, politicians are forced to offer sound-bites rather than substantial arguments. Children are weaned on a diet of Sesame St or CBeebies, and the one thing they must not experience is boredom. And, likewise, churches feel pressure to put on a good show. This is shown in the architecture of bigger, modern church buildings which are more cinematic – with a stage, lighting, and theatre-style seating. Today, more than ever, we need to grab people’s attention. “There’s no business, like show-business”.
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