On this episode of Polemics Report for May 25th, 2021, JD and the Protestia/P&P team celebrate the exit of Russell Moore from the SBC by taking a walk down polemics memory lane. Special guests Seth Dunn of the Christian Commute and Dustin Germaine of Protestia.
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Run, Tom, Run!
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On this episode of Polemics Report for March 7th, 2022, JD throws down the gauntlet in support of Tom Buck running for SBC president, discusses how Willy Rice is a client of Docent just like the guys he’s running to replace, , and talks about the racism displayed by woke evangelicals who are freaking out about a potential Voddie Bacham nomination. In the patron portion, we answer a question about Elizabeth Elliot and talk about the scars Christians get when they fight the good fight.
Audio and thumb in Dropbox.
Pro-Choice on Woman Pastors
Check Out The New BTWN News Website btwnnews.org
On this episode of Polemics Report for January 20th, 2022, JD and David discuss Thabiti Anyabwile being pro-choice on women in the pulpit in addition to his destructive standpoint epistemology and how Voddie Baucham’s true value is found in his spiritual gifts and not his skin color. In the Patron portion, JD tells the story of his valuable conversation with Greg Locke.
The Harm of Christianity
Check Out The New BTWN News Website btwnnews.org
On this episode of Protestia Tonight for September 13th, 2022, David discusses the trap of using the world’s definition of Christianity, and introduces normal Christians to the egalitarian Trojan horse of Sheila Gregoire’s sex-obsessed writings. In the patron portion, we answer questions about Christian movies, spiritual abuse, and the differences between legalism and obedience.