Living with the True God: Lessons from Judges –
The refrain of Judges is “Every man did what was right in his own eyes.” When we stop to consider this statement it can become quite shocking. Gideon, a man who feared God, shaped a golden ephod and led his family into idolatry for generations. Jephthah committed human sacrifice. Eleven tribes attempted genocide against Benjamin. And through all this, each person was convinced he was doing what was right. In many cases, the people convinced themselves their actions were pleasing to God.
In this week’s episode, Dr. John Snyder and Teddy James have their final discussion on the heartbreaking book of Judges. There was so much to say we couldn’t keep it to our normal 30 minutes and instead chatted for an hour. And there was still so much more we wanted to say!
While the content of this episode is shocking and heartbreaking, we pray it pushes you to pursue holiness in Christ with a renewed vigor and earnestness.