May I Share the Gospel With You?

May I Share the Gospel With You?

None of our good works could save us from the wrath to come. God will read from books containing all that we have ever done, and He will judge us based on what is written in the books. It will become plain on that day that there are none good, no not one. But God, being rich in mercy, knew of our helpless estate. He came on a rescue mission to save us from His wrath. Jesus came as the Lamb of God to take away the sins of the world. 

In the beginning (a good place to start right?), God created the heavens and the earth. When I talk about God, it’s important to know who I am talking about. God is the God of the Bible. He is the creator and sustainer of all things. He is the high and holy One who inhabits eternity, and who orders all things at His will. He is in the heavens and does all that He pleases. And He is also the King. He is the One who gives righteous laws and decrees, and the One to whom we must all give an account.

Which brings me to us. We were created by this holy God. And from the very beginning of our existence, we have sinned against God. He gives us righteous and holy and good laws, and we disobey Him. We rebel against Him as our King. And whereas He is eternal, we are finite. We will die. It is appointed for man to die once, and then the judgement. We have broken God’s law, and we will have to stand before Him when He judges all mankind.

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