Meditation on Preparing to Enjoy the Lord’s Day

Meditation on Preparing to Enjoy the Lord’s Day

The blessings of the Lord’s Day are received by faith, as are all the blessings of redemption. So shake yourself free from the worries, work, and worldliness of this present age. Lift up your heads and behold your God. Delight yourself in the Son and the gift of his grace. Be filled with his Spirit, and sing like one who is intoxicated with the joy of the Lord. Christ is risen! Sin and death have been conquered! God’s children will live forevermore!

By the grace of God I am what I am…  (1st Corinthians 15:10)

Tomorrow is the Lord’s Day. Are we ready for it? Do we long for it to begin? Do we view it as a day of rest and gladness for our souls? Or is it simply another Sunday? It is easy to take for granted the coming of the Lord’s Day. Many Christians spend little if any time thinking about or preparing for it. Orthodox Jews, on the other hand, by necessity, structure their lives around keeping the Sabbath once every week. We may rightly say this is because of a deficient understanding of the Sabbath law and a legalistic observance of it. We may rightly affirm that Christ has delivered us from such ceremonial strictures. But have we been set free in Christ so that we may think little or nothing of the Lord’s Day as it approaches or when it arrives? Have we not been set free from the old law so that we might serve the Lord with greater joy, freedom, and devotion?

This is not to guilt us into engaging in Lord’s Day preparation. As we’ve said many times before, the Sabbath is a day of joy and feasting, not of sadness and fasting.

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