Minority and Majority Carriages

Minority and Majority Carriages

Often it is with great difficulty that Christians hold different consciences on issues in the church. Sometimes how one holds conviction is as important as the conviction one holds. One must hold Christian convictions Christianly.

Jeremiah Burroughs gives four important points concerning holding a different conscience than those with whom you worship. How one holds a conviction is also important, whether it be a minority or majority position. Here are four takeaways:

1. If one has a minority position, hold it with humility.
2. If one is proud and contentious about a minority position, one will not be heard.
3. If the majority position holder holds his position in a tender way, he may be justified before God.
4. If “scorn, pride, conceit, turbulence.” etc. is seen in the minority position holder, he is not demonstrating the Spirit of Christ.

Often it is with great difficulty that Christians hold different consciences on issues in the church. Sometimes how one holds conviction is as important as the conviction one holds. One must hold Christian convictions Christianly.

Here’s what Burroughs said:

When a man by reason of his conscience… differs from his brethren, he had need carry himself with all humility, and meekness, and self-denial in all other things.

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