Observations on Prayer from Book of Daniel

Written by Kyle E. Sims |
Saturday, October 2, 2021
We also learn from Daniel that God answers prayers. You see this in Daniel 9:23 and 10:12, where God hears our prayers from the beginning. Is this not enough encouragement to pray. My friends, God hears you when you start to pray. You are heard! Why are we not praying?
Preaching through the book of Daniel has been a tremendous joy as it speaks to God’s power, His purposes, and His faithfulness. It shows us the Lord’s love and help to his people even in hard times. It is relevant to our world and needs today.
When most Christians think about the book of Daniel, two stories come to mind. The obvious one is Daniel and the Lion’s Den, a classic staple of Sunday School and Children’s Bibles. The other story is that of the Hebrew children and the fiery furnace. These three men refuse to bow down to the Babylonian idol and are thrown into the superheated furnace.
One thing that has struck me in preaching through Daniel is his prayers. There are a few observations I want to bring out of the book. I hope they will encourage and guide you in your own prayer life.
In Daniel 6, the king is lead by wicked and jealous men to make a prideful decree that only he could be prayed to for 30 days. What do we see Daniel do? He does what he had always done. The prophet opened his window and prayed three times a day. This regular prayer time is what he previously had done, and he kept doing it. Are we this regular in prayer?