Only Christ Is Enough

Only Christ Is Enough

If you have a relationship with Christ, the righteousness of Christ, and will be called to life at the resurrection by Christ, it is enough. And if you have the resolve of Christ to live by his power to face whatever comes, it is enough. Don’t yearn for more when Christ is all you need. He is enough for you and me.

A reporter once asked John D. Rockefeller, “How much money is enough?” The world’s first billionaire gave his famous reply: “Just a little bit more.”

Rockefeller’s answer strikes a chord in every heart. There is something in us that, even if we were to be given a billion dollars, we would still say, “Just a little bit more.” Left to ourselves, we would never be able to say, “It is enough.”

Enough. When is anything ever enough? Can you say of yourself and your situation, “It is enough”?

The apostle Paul once used a word that combined the pronoun “self” with the verb “it is enough.” It made for the adjective “content” in a verse most Christians know well:

I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.

(Philippians 4:11)

If etymology for this word means anything, I suppose it means that Paul, whatever his circumstances may have been, found something true of himself that gave him satisfaction, something that was enough. What may that have been?

The Strength of Christ Is Enough

In the immediate context, his contentment came from the strength of Christ to face anything in life. Whether his circumstances were terrible or terrific, Paul claimed, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13; cf. 4:12). A truth about himself was that he was in Christ, and his strength through Paul was enough.

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