Our Free Salvation Sets Us Free to Love

Mormons and JWs are typically kind, pleasant, and respectful, but their evangelism is driven by their need to fulfill specific requirements. They may love those they’re talking with, but their goal in evangelizing is to save themselves. Christianity is different.
It happens at the most inconvenient time. Dinner’s on the table, or I’m putting my kids to bed, or I’m right in the middle of my favorite TV show, and there’s a knock at the door. Reluctantly, I open it and find two smiling faces ready to share their religion with me. Ugh.
I’m polite, of course, but annoyed. Feelings of guilt quickly follow. Shouldn’t I care about these nice people who love me so much that they come to my house—risking rejection and rebuff—to share their good news with me?
I admire Mormons’ and Jehovah’s Witnesses’ zeal to make converts. Their door-to-door actions show it. Even so, I’m mystified at how the conversations often end. In the middle of our good chat, my doorstep friends say they have another appointment, drop some pamphlets on the table, and leave. It’s like they’re clocking out with me and moving on to their next opportunity.
Why? Then one day it hit me. They don’t come to my door primarily because they love me; they come for a different reason.
Motivation matters. So what is the foundational motivation driving our door-to-door evangelists? The teachings of the LDS Church and The Watchtower tell us.
George Albert Smith, the 8th prophet of the LDS church, said, “We will attain our exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom only on the condition that we share with our Father’s other children the blessings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and observe the commandments that will enrich our lives here and hereafter.”
Did you catch that? Mormons must share their faith to earn their “exaltation.”
The same is true for our JW friends. The Watchtower says, “By preaching we can save ourselves and those who listen to us,” and J.W.s “will be saved to eternal life only if they continue to adhere to all of God’s requirements.”