Parents, Don’t Be Gaslighted by Biased News Reports

Parents, Don’t Be Gaslighted by Biased News Reports

Christian parents have to stand in the gap for their children. Christian parents must not delegate the moral formation of their children to those who are suppressing the truth in unrighteousness, which is what so many public schools across the country are doing right now.

One of the hardest things to read today are biased news reports aimed at gaslighting parents who are concerned about LGBT indoctrination at public schools. Case in point: A headline in The Washington Post yesterday reads “Claim that sex ed ‘grooms’ kids jolted Nebraska politics a year before it swept the nation.” The story goes on to describe the efforts of parents in Nebraska to push back against the state’s efforts to introduce LGBT propaganda into their children’s public school curriculum. Lest you think this an unbiased report on a bellwether social issue in Nebraska, the subtitle reads:

The unsubstantiated claim led to a backlash against sex ed that helped topple local Republican Party leaders and propelled a wave of far-right candidates for local and statewide school board [emphasis mine].

The authors want readers to know up front that the parents opposing LGBT sex-ed in public schools are doing so with claims that are “unsubstantiated.” After all, parental concerns must be “unsubstantiated” because (according to The Post) there are no large-scale studies showing that LGBT-indoctrination “grooms” children. You know, the Science™.

What a farce. Do parents have to wait for large-scale studies before they can know that it’s wrong for their children to be force-fed instruction about “orgasms” and “masturbation” (both of which were a part of the proposed curriculum)? I haven’t seen any large scale studies on the effects of eating tide pods, but no responsible parent feeds their kids tide pods until the right studies get published. And believe me, there are plenty of “tide pods” in Nebraska’s proposed curriculum.

The Washington Post really buries the lede on this score. The story is long, and the entire first half of it portrays parents as wacky and extreme for opposing the curriculum. You have to read about half way through this marathon of an article before finding out what’s actually in the curriculum. The Post
describes the curriculum this way:

Kindergartners would learn medically accurate terms for body parts, including genitalia, and about interracial and same-sex families. They would also learn about “consent” and “how to clearly say no.” First-graders would learn the definitions of gender identity and gender-role stereotypes. The meaning of sexual orientation would be explained in third grade.

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