Philadelphia Public Schools Will Allow Students to Change “Gender Identity” without Informing Parents

Philadelphia Public Schools Will Allow Students to Change “Gender Identity” without Informing Parents

Although the new school policy does not require parental consent for any changes in gender recognition for their children while in school, John Fisher-Klein, executive director of the LGBT-advocating Attic Youth Center, made a “plea” to parents, imploring them to “create a space where your child can be authentically themselves.”

PHILADELPHIA (LifeSiteNews)—The Philadelphia School District bowed to Leftist gender ideology after the district superintendent announced that schools will begin allowing students to self-select their gender identity for school records, including a new “non-binary” option.

In a December 9 letter to parents, Superintendent William Hite said that, as part of the Philadelphia School District’s commitment “to providing safe and inclusive learning environments that support the emotional and mental health of all our students,” he was “excited to announce” a new policy whereby students will have the option to change their school record to reflect the notion that they are “non-binary.”

The policy, which took effect on Monday, affirms an alleged “right” of students who falsely consider themselves as “transgender and gender non-conforming…to select and identify as their preferred name and gender, even when that is different from what is printed on their birth certificate,” Hite’s letter explained.

The superintendent noted that students would have the opportunity to update their gender identification preference “without providing legal documentation or needing parent or guardian approval.” This preference will then be reflected on digital school learning systems, like Google Classroom, as well as on “assessments and report cards, etc.”

“This is an important step forward in our effort to become a more equitable and inclusive school district,” Hite commented.

However, state records would not be updated since Pennsylvania law requires a student’s records to accord with their legal birth certificate.

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