Jesus asked His disciples two important questions: “Who do people say that I am?” and “Who do you say that I am?” The book Confronting Jesus: 9 Encounters with the Hero of the Gospel answers both of these questions by drawing directly from all four Gospels. It lays a solid foundation that examines nine characteristics of Jesus’ identity so you can clearly articulate who Jesus is and all that He accomplished.
Confronting Jesus describes the historical reliability of the Gospels and the reasons why we can have faith in the saving power of Jesus. It will prepare you for evangelism—specifically, for sharing that Jesus is the Son of God, the sacrifice for sin, the Eternal King, and Lord of all. You’ll learn about the history of the Jewish people and the political context of Jesus’ day as well as how His healing miracles illuminate His identity. The book also explores how Jesus’ teachings both support and disrupt today’s cultural and moral values as well as the ways that Jesus is the perfect model of both servant and friend to all.
This thoughtful and accessible book can serve two important roles in your evangelism efforts: it’s one you can read on your own as you prepare to explain to a friend who Jesus is, and it’s also a great book to give to someone whom you’re introducing to the Gospel. Each chapter concludes with a “So What?” section that will help you make connections between what Jesus accomplished and how He’s relevant to your life today.
You’ll want to keep a copy of Confronting Jesus in your library so you can revisit it again and again. It also makes for a great nine-week Bible study if your group aims to consider who Jesus really is and what He has accomplished. Order a copy for yourself—and one for a friend—today.