RE Steve Dowling Elected Moderator of the 51st PCA General Assembly

RE Steve Dowling Elected Moderator of the 51st PCA General Assembly

Dowling has been active in the Southeast Alabama Presbytery. He has served as Presbytery Moderator twice, on several committees and commissions, including judicial commissions, and the Nominating Committee for past 12 years. At the General Assembly level, Dowling has served on the Overtures Committee for 14 years straight, chairing it twice. He has also served on the Committee on Constitutional Business (CCB) and for the past 8 years on the Standing Judicial Commission (SJC).

Steve Dowling, a ruling elder at Covenant PCA in Auburn, Ala., was elected Moderator of the 51st Presbyterian Church in America General Assembly meeting in Richmond, Va, June 10-14, 2024.

Steve has been married to Laura for 38 years, and they are blessed with nine children: 5 boys and 4 girls; seventeen grandchildren, 9 boys and 8 girls, and with two more on the way.

Dowling joined the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) in 1991, when he and his family joined New Life PCA in Ithaca, NY. He was ordained as an elder in 2003 at a church plant, New Life PCA in Stafford, Virginia (now Hope of Christ). After a their move to Auburn, Ala., Dowling and his family joined Covenant PCA, where he was elected an elder in 2011, and has served as the Clerk of Session for past 11 years.

Dowling has been active in the Southeast Alabama Presbytery. He has served as Presbytery Moderator twice, on several committees and commissions, including judicial commissions, and the Nominating Committee for past 12 years.

At the General Assembly level, Dowling has served on the Overtures Committee for 14 years straight, chairing it twice. He has also served on the Committee on Constitutional Business (CCB) and for the past 8 years on the Standing Judicial Commission (SJC).

Steve received his undergraduate degree from Auburn University, earned graduate degrees from the University of Arkansas and Rensselaer Polytechnic University, and taught at Cornell University from 1990 to 1995.

Dowling served in the United States Marine Corps from 1974 to 2001; he is a decorated combat veteran.  Promoted 10 times, Steve rose from Private to Staff Non-commissioned officer to Lieutenant Colonel, the rank at which he retired. During his service Steve became skilled in the management of all facets of production, logistics, and the supply chain, including the automation of management information systems. Expert manager of technical programs and projects.  Led as many as 850 subordinate managers, technicians, mechanics and clerks in the creation of expeditionary infrastructures and precision logistics efforts in support of combat operations around the globe.

Dowling is presently the Vice President for Digital Velocity Managed Services at CDW. He specializes in the exploitation of emerging and disruptive technologies, and helps CDW’s clients develop, retain, or change IT capabilities so they align with business logic. He formerly served as the Vice President for Public Cloud computing at Sirius Computer Solutions, a company acquired by CDW for its services excellence in 2021, and in that capacity he developed and deployed a Full-Lifecyle Cloud Services capability that produces services in any way clients want to consume them.

Through all of these providences God has prepared Dowling to serve the PCA as Moderator, as well as the other courts of the Church.

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