Realtor Ethics Case Involving Gay Rights, Montana Pastor Garnering National Attention

Clinton Community Church Pastor Brandon Huber is facing a complaint that he violated the NAR Code of Ethics’ prohibition on engaging in “hate speech” against anyone because of their sexual orientation. Huber is suing the Missoula and national Realtors’ groups, saying the code of ethics should be invalidated because it’s too vague to be enforced and because it tramples on his religious beliefs.
HELENA — A case involving a Missoula-area pastor, gay rights and the National Association of Realtors’ code of ethics may be the first legal test of the code, involving LGBTQ+ discrimination, an advocacy group says.
The head of the LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance also told MTN News this week that the pastor and part-time real estate agent should be temporarily suspended from membership in the Realtors’ group – and that the complaint against him should not wait for resolution of the lawsuit.
“Litigation, especially in a pandemic, could be strung out for years,” says Ryan Weyandt, CEO of the group. “This individual, who has been alleged by a member of the community to violate the code of ethics, thus invalidating his membership – for that to be strung out in limbo for years, I think is unacceptable.”
A Missoula Organization of Realtors official said Wednesday that no discipline, in connection to an ethics complaint, can be taken until the complaint is heard and ruled on by an MOR hearings panel.
Clinton Community Church Pastor Brandon Huber is facing a complaint that he violated the NAR Code of Ethics’ prohibition on engaging in “hate speech” against anyone because of their sexual orientation.
Huber is suing the Missoula and national Realtors’ groups, saying the code of ethics should be invalidated because it’s too vague to be enforced and because it tramples on his religious beliefs.
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Why We Need Zephaniah
Written by Daniel C. Timmer |
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
When Zephaniah describes how God supernaturally transforms human hearts and turns their desires to him, the prophet consistently integrates the relational, behavioral, and internal dimensions of this change. Those who holistically embrace his will pursue righteousness (v. 3), unity (3:9), proper worship (vv. 9–10), and humility (2:3; 3:11). In the end, God’s saving work will completely remove the pride that motivated his people’s rebellion (3:11) along with their corrupt desires that produced sinful words and deeds (v. 13).Apart from Zephaniah’s depiction of God’s exuberant joy over his redeemed people (3:17) that John Piper has popularized in his preaching, the book of Zephaniah hasn’t received the attention it merits. This neglect is unwarranted not only because the prophecy is God’s Word but because Zephaniah’s bold, broad, and beautiful presentation of God at the center of redemptive history makes his book as relevant to contemporary readers as it was to its initial audience.
The prophet’s presentation of sin and its remedy is particularly potent. Zephaniah’s message moves far beyond predictions of judgment against the sins prevalent in Judah in the late seventh century BC. It also presents glorious salvation promises of salvation and the superlative restoration of God’s repentant people (vv. 14–17).
Three facets of the book’s message capture this redemptive movement.
1. Sin and Its Consequences
Zephaniah’s diagnosis of the world’s fundamental problem is bold. The book begins with a blunt announcement that God will meet humanity’s rebellion with the direst consequences imaginable (1:3). And more immediately, Zephaniah makes clear that due to Babylon’s rise and the predations of Judah’s neighbors, severe judgment is no idle threat; it’s standing at the door.
In his first chapter, Zephaniah emphasizes Judah’s violations of the first commandment as the grounds for God’s judgment (vv. 4–6). Rather than trusting that God would protect and preserve his people when they remained faithful to him, Judah responded to geopolitical threats by attempting to ensure its stability and success outside the boundaries of the covenant: by looking to other nations for help. Many in Judah assumed God would do neither good nor ill in response to this sinful autonomy (v. 12). They’d turned God into an abstract idea with no relevance for their daily lives or for the future. But this way of thinking and living was tragically mistaken.
God refutes Judah’s rebellion in absolute terms, weaving announcements of judgment into the litany of Judah’s sins (vv. 4–13). Then, Zephaniah 1 culminates in the foreboding day of the Lord that’ll bring the irreversible destruction of sinners worldwide (vv. 14–18). Contrary to the mistaken belief of many Judeans, divine justice will bring their imagined self-sufficiency and immunity from the covenant crashing down on their heads.
Zephaniah’s uncompromising and unflattering evaluation of humanity at large, and of God’s old covenant people in particular, reminds believers they must take their sins seriously and practice repentance habitually. Zephaniah’s message also refutes visions of justice and liberty that look to social or political efforts to bring the transcendent change only God’s saving power can deliver.
2. Grace and Repentance
In light of these dire threats, it’s surprising that Zephaniah offers hope in the very next section (2:1–3). But God’s immense patience makes a way for rebellious Judah to escape his punishment. Zephaniah calls the people to repentance, and his call is uncompromising. It demands a radical reorientation of the heart, for the Lord to be made absolutely central by the “humble of the land, who do his just commands.”
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What Does It Mean to Belong to Jesus?
Christ suffered hatred, abuse, and shame so that you might have the gift of being included in God’s family, so that you could be encircled by God’s love and care. You could know the comfort of the Holy Spirit, the faithfulness of your heavenly Father, the love of your elder brother, Jesus. In Christ, you have God as your shepherd, provider, and friend. You have the ear and heart of the King of the universe. God came down from his exalted place in Heaven to be the outcast for you—the Savior that you needed—so that you might be included in his heart.
We often get caught up with how we appear to others—our image is important to us. The desire for approval can creep into even the simplest tasks that we do, or preoccupy our thoughts. Whether it is the reason behind why we dress or act a certain way, the filters we use on our Instagram or Facebook posts, or the people we choose to hang out with in public, creating a persona or protecting the one we already have can be a sinister motivator. As Christians, how do we break with this self-centered behavior and the idolatrous search for approval by others?
Christians may find themselves to be outcasts because of their faith.
The apostle Peter has some very helpful words in the beginning of his second letter as he writes to Christians who would have been on the outside of society, those who would have been the outcasts. Because of their faith in Christ, they no longer would have fit in with their neighbors or former friends. The urge to slide back into society and feel the old sense of belonging would likely have been a temptation for them as no one likes to be the odd one out. Peter writes in his introduction,Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ: May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence. (2 Pet. 1:1-3)
All Christians are in the same “inside circle” as children of God.
Peter tells his Christian brothers and sisters that they have received the same faith that the apostles have. The apostles don’t have a special Christianity because they are apostles. All Christians have the same beautiful and wonderful faith. All Christians by God’s power have the Holy Spirit indwelling them, helping them to face life challenges and grow in godliness. The Christianity that the apostles held is the same as the Christianity of the other followers of Christ (2 Pet. 1:1).
Have you ever felt left out? You look on while the popular girls or guys do their thing. You wish you were on the inside circle. You wish you had something special about you to make people notice. So, maybe you try to make yourself look different by your dress, make-up, lifestyle, activities. You try to play the part so somebody, anybody, will take notice and include you, make you feel special and sought after. With Jesus you don’t need to do any of that.
The most wonderful gift, Jesus himself, has been given to you along with all Christians over the centuries. Along with famous Christians, renowned missionaries, pastors, and evangelists who have done great works for Christ’s church, and even the apostles, you have the same faith. You are not second class. The Holy Spirit dwells in you like he dwelt in the apostles. Jesus is your Savior just like he was the apostle Peter’s. And you didn’t do anything to deserve this “faith of equal standing.”
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Where Are All the Heretical Bishops in the Second Century?
Written by Michael J. Kruger |
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Despite all the buzz about diversity in early Christianity, we have no reason to doubt that the mainstream church during this time period was still one that could be generally identified as “orthodox.”I’ve noticed that Michael Bird has recently posted an article on heresy and orthodoxy in early Christianity. From what I can tell (I can’t see the entire article because it’s behind the paywall), he is pushing back against the popular narrative, originally suggested by Walter Bauer in his 1934 book Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity, which insists that Christianity was wildly diverse in the earliest centuries and that the heretics outnumbered the orthodox. It was not until the 3rd and 4th centuries, according to Bauer, that the orthodox began to turn the tide.
But I think there’s an additional way to test Bauer’s theory. Let’s ask a simple question: who were the bishops in second-century Christianity? If heresy was as widespread as orthodoxy, we should expect to find a number of bishops that are openly Marcionite, Ebionite, Gnostic, and beyond.
The problem for Bauer’s thesis is that this is precisely what we don’t find.
When we examine bishops from the second century we find a litany that fit nicely within the orthodox camp: Ignatius, Polycarp, Clement of Rome, Papias, Hegesippus, Irenaeus, Theophilus of Antioch, Anecitus of Rome, Polycrates of Ephesus, Victor of Rome, Demetrius of Alexandria, Melito of Sardis, Theophilus of Caesarea, and Dionysius of Corinth.
While these leaders certainly did not agree on everything, it is evident from their writings, or from historical reports about them, that there are no reasons to identify them with heterodox groups like the Marcionites, Gnostics, or Ebionites.
What is particularly noteworthy about the above list is that they represent a wide geographical range: Lyons (Gaul), Smyrna, Antioch, Hierapolis, Rome, Sardis, Ephesus, and Corinth. In other words, these orthodox leaders were not cordoned off into some small outpost of early Christianity.
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