Seasons of Sorrow Application Questions & Group Study Guide

Since releasing Seasons of Sorrow I have been asked if I can provide application questions (for people who may be reading it individually and who wish to be deliberate in applying what they read) and a group study guide (for people who may be reading it with a Bible study, small group, or reading group). Preparing such resources was on my list of things to do—and is now done.

The free Seasons of Sorrow Application Questions & Group Study Guide is available as a free download. You’ll find questions related to each of the chapters that are meant to provoke meditation and application, and you’ll find a plan to read through the book in either four or eight sessions.

You can download it for free right here:

Also remember these additional resources that are related to the book:

  • A Letter to Parents – This is a letter I have prepared addressed to parents who have lost a child. If you plan to give bereaved parents a copy of Seasons of Sorrow, you may like to print this and include it with the book.
  • Helpful Things To Say To Grieving Parents – If you are walking through the loss of a child with a friend or family member, this article will help you know how you can best serve them in their darkest hour.

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