Seeing Yourself Rightly

Seeing Yourself Rightly

A man or woman with the proper view of themselves can be a strong yet humble force for the kingdom of God. What a mighty creature we can become when we realize who we are in Christ … and that all the glory goes to Him!

Bill Wellons, one of the finest leaders and pastors I’ve ever known, once told me that perhaps the most important leadership trait we must possess is self-awareness. Many people are clueless. They think they are more than they are and are filled with pride. Or they believe they are less than they are, and are timid and lack courage. They don’t realize the source of all they have, and so they are proud. And on and on.

For many years, I kept this verse on my desk.

“What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?” (1 Cor. 4:3)

This verse helps us. It balances us with several truths. If believed and understood, it gives us a proper view of ourselves. Self-awareness.

I Am Nothing Without Christ!

I have seen my life without Christ. It’s not pretty. I am sinful and selfish. Capable of the worst. I need to remember this. When I walk away from the presence of God—which I can easily do—

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