In a frantic and frenzied world, we all long for contentment, for peace. And yet, as Alistair points out, “contentment in the twenty-first century is a rarity.” He explains,
Each of us … if we’re honest, is too easily swept along on the tides of covetousness, is too easily bombarded by a spirit of discontentedness that is directly related to our lot in life, to our circumstances—perhaps financial, perhaps social, perhaps physical. But in some way or another, we find ourselves much like tiny children, displeased with what they were given, frustrated about the fact that their friends have more, and determined to do whatever they can in order to rectify their circumstances.
In the day-to-day rhythms of work or family or school, we can get lost in our own little worlds and easily lose sight of God’s goodness and faithfulness. But when we pause to praise God’s everlasting love, which transcends whatever circumstance we face, the Holy Spirit begins to loosen ingratitude’s grip, and we become that much freer to live in contentment.
In Thankful Living, a brief series of Thanksgiving holiday messages, Alistair Begg examines what it means to be truly thankful. It’s more than keeping lists of the good things that we enjoy, and it can’t be produced by our own resolve. Genuine thankfulness flows from a heart that has found contentment by resting in God’s providence. It is produced by God’s Spirit as we respond with transformed minds, wills, and hearts to the unchanging goodness of our Father, who works in all circumstances to accomplish His will for our good.
As you listen to or read the sermons from Thankful Living, you’ll learn how we come to know godly contentment—peace that transcends the frenzy and fray of life in a fallen world. At times, contentment will seem elusive, and thanksgiving will feel as if it’s in short supply. Yet as we continue to trust God in whatever circumstances we face, He will be pleased to grant us gratitude and so fill us up with contentment that we spill over with joy.